[clean-list] CLEAN Error Messages (!)

John van Groningen johnvg at cs.ru.nl
Tue Apr 7 17:55:38 MEST 2009

Vag wrote:

>Searching for a cause of typing error in program with HM types is time hog. It especially important when rapid prototyping, when programmer omits type signatures. I pretty sure programmer productivity will be increased at least twice if IDE will meet following conditions:
>1. Error messages must be fully informative. For example, instead of "overloading could not be solved" compiler must report something like "overloading could not be solved because it is no way to figure out instance for class XXX while calling member YYY on line ZZZ".

I agree that this error message should give more information. Unfortunately
if this error is detected, the compiler does not have access to that information. I had already improved this by making the name of the class
available in most cases. I will look at it again to see if I can improve
the error message some more if it is not too much work.

Kind regards,

John van Groningen

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