[clean-list] Final CfP: ICTAC'09 - Last Chance

Martin Leucker leucker at in.tum.de
Mon Apr 6 21:01:36 MEST 2009

Our apology for possible multiple copies.

12 April 2009 + 12 April 2009 + 12 April 2009 + 12 April 2009 + 


   6th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing

		     ***   CALL FOR PAPERS   ***

		   Equatorial Hotel Bangi, Malaysia
		 University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

		       August 16th - 20th 2009


The 6th International Colloquium  on Theoretical Aspects  of Computing
is taking place from  the 16th till the  20th of August 2009  in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. ICTAC'09  is     organized by Abdullah   Mohd   Zin,
Universiti Kebangsaan  Malaysia   and  Jeff Sanders,    United  Nation
University, Institute  of   Software Technology,  Macao.  The   PC  is
chaired by Martin Leucker (TU Munich) and Carroll Morgan (UNSW).

Visit http://www.ictac.net/ictac09 for a preliminary web page.

About ICTAC 2009

ICTAC 2009 is the 6th  International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects
of  Computing, the latest  in  a series  founded by the  International
Institute for  Software  Technology of  the  United Nations University
(UNU-IIST).  The    main purpose  of  ICTAC   is    to bring  together
practitioners and researchers  from academia,  industry and government
to present research and  to  exchange ideas and  experience addressing
challenges  in  both theoretical  aspects  of   computing and in   the
exploitation   of   theory  through  methods   and  tools   for system
development. The previous four   ICTAC  events were held  in  Guiyang,
China (2004), Hanoi,   Vietnam (2005),  Tunis, Tunisia (2006),   Macau
(2007) and Istanbul (2008).


The main  conference  is   surrounded  by  workshops  and  a    summer
school. See the web page for more details.

Invited Speakers
Zuohua Ding	 Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Leslie Lamport   Microsoft
Annabelle McIver Macquarie University
Sriram Rajamani  Microsoft


Topics include, but are not limited to:

  * software specification, refinement, verification and testing
  * model checking and theorem proving
  * software architectures
  * coordination and feature interaction
  * integration of theories, formal and engineering methods and tools
  * models of concurrency, security, and mobility
  * parallel, distributed, and internet-based (grid) computing
  * real-time, embedded and hybrid systems
  * automata theory and formal languages
  * principles and semantics of languages
  * logics and their applications
  * type and category theory in computer science
  * case studies, theories, tools and experiments of verified systems  
  * service-oriented architectures: models and development methods
  * domain modelling and domain-specific technology: examples,
    frameworks and experience 

Paper Submissions

ICTAC 2009  calls for two types  of contributions: RESEARCH PAPERS and
TOOL DEMONSTRATION PAPERS. Both types  of contributions will appear in
the  LNCS   proceedings    and have    oral     presentations at   the
conference. Papers should be written in English in LNCS format.


Research   papers  should  contain  original  research, and sufficient
detail to   assess  the merits  and  relevance  of  the  contribution. 
Submissions  reporting on  industrial  case  studies are welcome,  and
should  describe both  strengths and  weaknesses  in sufficient depth. 
Research papers should be no more than 15 pages.


Tool demonstration    papers present  tools   based on  aforementioned
theories or fall into the above  application areas. Tool demonstration
papers allow researchers to  stress the technical and practical  side,
illustrating how one    can   apply the  theoretic  contributions   in
practice. Tool demonstration papers should be no more than 6 pages.

As  usual, submissions to the conference  must not have been published
or    be  concurrently   considered  for  publication   elsewhere. All
submissions will  be judged on  the basis of originality, contribution
to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the
conference.  Submission constitutes a commitment to attend and present
a paper, if accepted.

Proceedings  of ICTAC 2009 will be  published by Springer  in the LNCS

Important Dates

Submission of Papers:       12 April 2009 (extended by 2 days)
Notification of acceptance: 25 May   2009
Final copy for proceedings:  1 June  2009
ICTAC 2009:                 16 - 20 August 2009


General Chair
Abdullah Mohd Zin  Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Jeff Sanders       United Nation University, Institute of Software
                   Technology, Macao 

Program Chairs
Martin Leucker     Technische Universität München, Germany
Carroll Morgan     University of New South Wales
Local Organizing Committee
Zarina Shukur, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Chairperson)
Nazlia Omar
Syahanim Mohd Salleh

Program Committee

Parosh Abdulla      Uppsala University, Schweden
Keijiro Araki       Kyushu University, Japan
Farhad Arbab        Leids University, The Netherlands
Christel Baier	    Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Mario Bravetti	    Universita di Bologna, Italian
Ana Cavalcanti	    University of York, England
Van Hung Dang       United Nations University, Macao
David Deharbe	    Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Wei Dong	    National University of Defense Technology, China
Deepak D'Souza	    Indian Institute of Science, India
John Fitzgerald	    Newcastle Uiversity, England
Wan Fokkink	    Vrije University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Marcelo Frias	    University of Buenos Aires,  Argentina
Kokichi Futatsugi   JAIST, Japan
Paul Gastin	    LSV/ENS Cachan, France
Susanne Graf	    VERIMAG, France
Lindsay Groves	    Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Anne Haxthausen	    Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Moonzoo Kim	    KAIST, South Korea
Kim G. Larsen	    Aalborg University, Denmark
Insup Lee	    University of Pennsylvania, USA
Martin Leucker	    TU Munich, Germany
Kamal Lodaya	    Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India
Larissa Meinicke    Abo Akademi, Finland
Ugo Montanari	    University of Pisa, Italian
Carroll Morgan	    University of New South Wales, Australia
Ahmed Patel	    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Pekka Pihlajasaari  Data Abstraction (Pty) Ltd, South Africa
Abhik Roychoudhury  National University of Singapore, Singapore
Hassen Saidi	    SRI International, USA
Augusto Sampaio	    Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Cesar Sanchez	    IMDEA, Spain
Marjan Sirjani	    University of Tehran, Iran
Sofiene Tahar	    Concordia University, Canada
Serdar Tasiran	    Koc University, Turkey
Helmut Veith	    Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Mahesh Viswanathan  University of Illinois at Urbana, USA
Tomas Vojnar	    Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Ji Wang		    Zhejiang University, China
Jim Woodcock	    University of York, England
Husnu Yenigun	    Sabanci University, Turkey
Naijun Zhan	    Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Huibiao Zhu	    East China Normal University, China

Steering Committee

John Fitzgerald     University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Martin Leucker 	    Technische Universität München, Germany
Zhiming Liu (Chair) UNU-IIST, Macao
Tobias Nipkow       Technische Universität München, Germany
Augusto Sampaio     Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Natarajan Shankar   SRI, USA
Jim Woodcock        University of York, UK

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