[clean-list] CLEAN Error Messages (!)

Vag vag.vagoff at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 12:55:03 MEST 2009

Hi, all!

Searching for a cause of typing error in program with HM types is time hog.
It especially important when rapid prototyping, when programmer omits type
signatures. I pretty sure programmer productivity will be increased at least
twice if IDE will meet following conditions:

1. Error messages must be fully informative. For example, instead of
"overloading could not be solved" compiler must report something like
"overloading could not be solved because it is no way to figure out instance
for class XXX while calling member YYY on line ZZZ".

2. It would be wonderful if you extend IDE such way that it will be possible
to edit such constraints in module properties that type of any variable or
function which has name matching to given regexp pattern will be restricted
to given type schemes. (!)

Sincerelly yours,
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