[clean-list] Compiler dies with "Run time error"

vag vagoff at mail.ru
Mon Aug 6 02:58:48 MEST 2007


Please advice it is normal for compiler to die with dreadful black 
messages? I got two cases (I know that this proggies are nasty and 
errorneous, but anyway):
// (Clean version is 2.2, Windows, default project/module options)

module solver

import StdEnv

A :== fromInt 0

f1 b = case b of
            A -> 1

Start = 42

    "Unable to run compiler"
    Compiler dies with message "Run time error, rule 
'unfold_application;131' in module 'checkFunctionBodies' does not match"


module Failure

// This line makes things happy:
// from _SystemArray import class Array (..), instance Array {} a

// This line gives "Unable to run compiler" error, compiler gives up 
with message "*** E *** Error in requirements"
from _SystemArray import class Array

a :: {Int}
a = { 0 }

Start = 42

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