[clean-list] FASE'08: abstracts due October 5
José Luiz Fiadeiro
jose at fiadeiro.org
Tue Jul 24 16:19:39 MEST 2007
FASE - Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
Budapest (Hungary), March 29 - April 6, 2008
FASE is concerned with the foundations on which Software Engineering
is built. Submissions should not focus on the application or
evaluation of given methods, tools or techniques for their own sake
but, rather, the principles on which they are based and the way in
which they contribute to making Software Engineering a more mature
and soundly-based discipline. Contributions that combine the
development of conceptual and methodological advances with their
formal foundations and tool support are particularly encouraged. We
welcome contributions on all such fundamental approaches, including:
· SE as an engineering discipline, including its interaction with
and impact on society;
· Requirements engineering;
· Domain modelling;
· Software architectures;
· Specification and design;
· Engineering of particular classes of systems (e.g.
collaborative, service-oriented, software-intensive, ubiquitous);
· Software processes;
· Model-driven development;
· Software evolution;
· Validation and verification;
· Testing.
Important Dates
5 October 2007: Submission deadline (strict) for abstracts of
research and tool demonstration papers
12 October 2007: Submission deadline (strict) for full versions of
research and tool demonstration papers
Programme Committee
Don BATORY, University of Texas at Austin (US)
Ruth BREU, University of Innsbruck (AT)
Carlos CANAL, University of Málaga (ES)
Maura CERIOLI, University of Genova (IT)
Shing-chi CHEUNG, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (CN)
Vittorio CORTELLESSA, University of l'Aquila (IT)
Laurie DILLON, Michigan State University (US)
Marlon DUMAS, Queensland University of Technology (AU)
Schahram DUSTDAR, Technical University of Vienna (AT)
Jose FIADEIRO, University of Leicester (UK), co-chair
Harald GALL, University of Zürich (CH)
Dimitra GIANNAKOPOULOU, NASA Ames Research Center (US)
Holger GIESE, University of Paderborn (DE)
Martin GLINZ, University of Zürich (CH)
Reiko HECKEL, University of Leicester (UK)
Paola INVERARDI, University of l'Aquila (IT), co-chair
Valerie ISSARNY, INRIA Rocquencourt (FR)
Daniel LE METAYER, Trusted Logic (FR)
Gary T. LEAVENS, Iowa State University (US)
Antonia LOPES, University of Lisbon (PT)
Angelica MADER, University of Twente (NL)
Tom MAIBAUM, McMaster University (CA)
Dominique MERY, University of Nancy (FR)
Oscar NIERSTRASZ, University of Berne (CH)
David ROSENBLUM, University College London (UK)
Tetsuo TAMAI, University of Tokyo (JP)
Gabriele TAENTZER, Technical University of Berlin (DE)
Sebastian UCHITEL, Imperial College London (UK)
Martin WIRSING, University of Munich (DE)
Pamela ZAVE, AT&T Labs (US)
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