[clean-list] The clean-list is moderated.
Marko van Eekelen
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 09:34:05 +0200
At 08:29 29-9-2002 +1200, you wrote:
>On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 19:45, Marko van Eekelen wrote:
>> As you have noticed, the clean-list is spammed more and more lately.
>> So, we have decided to start moderating the clean-list.
>One alternative is to run spamassassin. If you only hold for moderation
>messages that SA calls spam then you should get around a 90% reduction
>in spam, with very few if any valid messages being held (around 99.5%
>Alternativly, the recently released bayesian spam detection algorithms
>would be quite easy to implement in clean, and might be a nice
>demonstration of the language :-)
Dear Corrin,
In fact, we started already moderating the clean-list.
We have experience with spam-assassin. We experienced that a few messages (indeed, maybe only 0,5 %) are incorrectly
considered to be spam. For personal use this may be fine but for a mailing list we think it is better to moderate it ourselves.
Considering the amount of traffic this should not take too much of our time.
Of course we will welcome any Clean programs that will do the job for us.
It would be great to have such a Clean program.
Marko van Eekelen.