[clean-list] UNIF'2002 --- last CFP
Christophe Ringeissen
Fri, 17 May 2002 18:34:04 +0200 (MEST)
[Apologies for multiple copies. Submission deadline: June 1, 2002]
Last Call for Abstracts/Participation
UNIF 2002
16th International Workshop on Unification
July 25-26, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Affiliated with RTA2002, Part of FLoC'02
UNIF is the main international meeting on unification. Unification is
concerned with the problem of identifying given terms, either
syntactically or modulo a given logical theory. Syntactic unification
is the basic operation of most automated reasoning systems, and
unification modulo theories can be used, for instance, to build in
special equational theories into theorem provers.
The main purpose of UNIF is to bring together people interested in
unification, present recent (even unfinished) work, and discuss new
ideas and trends in unification and related fields. In particular, it
is intended to offer a good opportunity for young researches and
researchers working in related areas to get an overview of the current
state of the art in unification theory and get in contact with the
experts in the field.
UNIF 2002 will be held July 25-26 in Copenhagen, Denmark in the
context of FLoC'02, the 2002 Federated Logic Conference
The meeting will include invited talks, short (15 minutes) and long
(30 minutes) contributed talks, and social time to discuss current
topics of interest, which include (but are not limited to):
o General E-unification and Calculi
o Special Unification Algorithms
o Matching
o Narrowing
o Higher-Order Unification
o Combination problems
o Disunification
o Typed Unification
o Constraint Solving
o Unification Calculi
o Applications
o Implementations
o Type Checking and Reconstruction
o Unification-Based approaches to Grammar
Invited Speakers
Claude Kirchner
Michael Kohlhase
Christopher Lynch
Anyone interested in participating to UNIF 2002, should send an email
message to unif2002@lri.fr by June 1, indicating their full name and
address and whether they intend to give a talk. This does not replace
the usual registration procedure of FLoC, please see the FLoC web page
for information on how to register.
Those interested in giving a talk should also submit an extended
abstract (2-4 pages) and specify whether the talk will be a short or
a long one. Notification of acceptance will be sent by June, 7. The
final version of the extended abstract must be submitted by June, 24.
Submissions Details
The abstract should be written in LaTeX2e with the following settings:
11pt, one column, a4paper and standard margins. Please send your
abstract in either postscript or PDF to unif2002@lri.fr.
Final Versions of Extended Abstracts
We intend to publish the final versions of the extended abstracts as
technical report, and to distribute them to the participants of
UNIF2002. Final versions of extended abstracts must be sent as LaTeX
source file and should print as 5 pages maximum. Detailed instructions
for preparing the final versions will be posted later.
Please refer to the FLoC'02 web page (http://floc02.diku.dk/) for
registration instructions and deadlines.
Ralf Treinen Université Paris-Sud, France
Christophe Ringeissen LORIA Nancy, France
Cesare Tinelli University of Iowa, USA
Rakesh M. Verma University of Houston, USA
Important Dates
Submissions: June 1 (* firm deadline ! *)
Notification: June 7
Final Versions: June 24
UNIF 2002: July 25-26, 2002
For further information, please visit the UNIF 2002 web site at