[clean-list] Subject: Scheme Workshop 2002 -- submission deadline extended
Olin Shivers
Thu, 16 May 2002 18:16:30 -0400 (EDT)
The Scheme Workshop submission deadline has been extended two weeks.
The new submission deadline is May 31 (2200 UTC).
The 2002 Scheme Workshop will be in Pittsburgh in October, the day before
ICFP. We will be planning not only presentation of papers but also some
interesting group discussions. Going by the previous workshops, it should be a
useful and fun day for just about anyone with an interest in Scheme or
functional programming languages. I hope to see you there, and I especially
encourage people to submit papers to the program committee. Please take a
moment to read the "call for papers" I've appended below, and see if you have
a topic or result you would like to submit to the program committee.
See you in Pittsburgh.
-Olin Shivers
workshop chairman
2002 Scheme Workshop
Thursday, October 3, 2002
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The workshop forms part of PLI 2002, which consists
of the ICFP and PPDP conferences and other workshops.
Full details on the workshop can be found at URL
* Scope
The purpose of the workshop is to discuss experience with and future
developments of the Scheme programming language, as well as general aspects
of computer science loosely centered on the general theme of Scheme.
Papers are invited concerning all aspects of the design, semantics, theory,
application, implementation, and teaching of Scheme. Some example areas
include (but are not limited to):
- Theory
Formal semantics, correctness of analyses and transformations,
lambda calculus.
- Design critiques
Limitations of the language, future directions.
- Linguistic extensions
Scheme's simple syntactic framework and minimal static semantics
has historically made the language an attractive "lab bench" for the
development and experimentation of novel language features and mechanisms.
Topics in this area include modules systems, exceptions, control
mechanisms, distributed programming, concurrency and synchronisation, macro
systems, and objects.
- Type systems
Static analyses for dynamic type systems, type systems that bridge
the gap between static and dynamic types, static systems with
"type dynamic" extensions, weak typing.
- Implementation
Compilers, optimisation, virtual machines, resource management,
interpreters, foreign-function interfaces, partial evaluation, and generally
implementations with novel or noteworthy features.
- Program-development environments
The Lisp and Scheme family of programming languages have traditionally
been the source of innovative program-development environments. Authors
working on these issues are encouraged to submit papers describing
their technologies.
- Education
Scheme has achieved widespread use as a tool for teaching computer science.
Papers on the theory and practice of teaching with Scheme are invited.
- Applications and experience
Interesting applications which illuminate aspects of Scheme;
experience with Scheme in commercial or real-world contexts;
use of Scheme as an extension or scripting language.
- Scheme pearls
Elegant, instructive examples of functional programming.
A "Scheme pearl" submission is a special category, and should be a short
paper presenting an algorithm, idea or programming device using Scheme in a
way that is particularly elegant.
* Proceedings
The proceedings of the conference will be published as a Georgia Tech College
of Computing technical report. A special issue of the journal Higher-Order and
Symbolic Computation about Scheme <http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1388-3690>
is planned afterwards.
* Important dates
- Submission deadline: 2200 UTC, 31 May, 2002
- Notification of acceptance or rejection: 26 July, 2002
- Final paper due: 31 August, 2002
- Workshop: 3 October, 2002
* Submission guidelines
Authors should submit a 100-200 word abstract and a full paper by 22:00
Universal Coordinated Time on Thursday, 31 May, 2002. (Note that 2200
UTC is 1800 EDT, or 1500 PDT.)
Submissions will be carried out electronically via the Web, at
<http://scheme2002.ccs.neu.edu/>. Papers must be submitted in PDF format, or as
PostScript documents that are interpretable by Ghostscript, and they must be
printable on US Letter sized paper. Individuals for which this requirement is
a hardship should contact the program chair at least one week before the
There are two classes of submissions: reular papers and short papers:
- Regular papers
Submissions should be no more than 12 pages (including bibliography and
appendices) in standard ACM conference format: two columns, nine point font
on ten point baseline, page 20pc (3.33in) wide and 54pc (9in) tall with a
column gutter of 2pc (0.33in). Authors wishing to supply additional material
to the reviewers beyond the 12 page limit can do so in clearly marked
appendices, on the understanding that reviewers are not required to read the
appendices. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will not be
considered. Suitable style files for Latex, Word, and Word Perfect can be
found on the submission Web site.
Submitted papers must have content that has not previously been published in
other conferences or refereed venues, and simultaneous submission to other
conferences or refereed venues is unacceptable. Each paper should explain its
contributions in both general and technical terms, clearly identifying what
has been accomplished, saying why it is significant, and comparing it with
previous work. Authors should strive to make the technical content of their
papers understandable to a broad audience.
- Short papers
Short papers need not present novel research; it is sufficient that they
present material of interest or utility to the Scheme or
functional-programming community. "Scheme pearls" submissions should
be presented as short papers.
Short papers should be formatted with the same guidelines as regular
papers, but are expected to be typically around six pages in length.
* Organisers
Workshop chair:
Olin Shivers
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Atlanta, Ga 30332-0280
+1 404 385.00.91
Steering committee:
William D Clinger (Northeastern University)
Marc Feeley (University of Montreal)
Matthias Felleisen (Northeastern University)
Matthew Flatt (University of Utah)
Dan Friedman (Indiana University)
Christian Queinnec (University Paris 6)
Manuel Serrano (INRIA)
Mitchell Wand (Northeastern University)
Program committee:
Alan Bawden (Brandeis)
Olivier Danvy (University of Aarhus)
Richard Kelsey (Ember, Corp.)
Brad Lucier (Purdue University)
Paul Steckler (Northeastern University)
Andrew Wright (Aleris)
Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University)