<!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail --> <!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail -->Dear friend
You are receiving this email because you registered to receive special offers from one of our marketing
partners. If you would prefer not to receive future emails, please click here to unsubscribe .Email Marketing spread to the whole world because of its high-efficiency,fast speed and
low cost.
Now if you want to introduce and sell your product or service, look for a cooperator, raise
your website's reputation, the best way for you, would be to use the email to contact your
targeted customer (of course, firstly, you should be aware of the email addresses of the
targeted customer).Targeted Email is no doubt very effective. If you could introduce your product or service
through email directly to the customers who are interested in them , it will bring to your
business a better chance of success.XinLan Internet Marketing Center, has many years of experience in developing & utilizing
internet resources. We have set up global business email address databases, which
contain millions of email addresses of commercial enterprises and consumers all over
the world.These emails are sorted by countries and fields. We also continuously update
our databases,add new addresses,remove undeliverables and unsubscribed addresses.With the cooperation with our partners, We can supply valid targeted email addresses
according to your requirements , you can easily and directly contact your potential
customers.With our cooperation, many enterprises and individuals have greatly risen the
fame of their product and service,and found many potential customers.
We also supply a wide variety of software.
For example , Wcast, the software for fast-sending emails: this software is a powerful
Internet email-marketing application which is perfect for individuals or businesses sending
out multiple customized email messages to their customers.
We are pleased to tell you that we are now offering our best prices :
Emails or Software Remarks Price 30,000 targeted email addresses
We are able to supply valid targeted email addresses according to your requirements , which are all compiled upon your order,such as region / country / occupation / field / Domain Name (like AOL.com or MSN.com) etc.
USD 30.00 Classified email addresses
Our database contains more than 1600 sort of email addresses,and can meet with your different demands.
Such as: Email addresses of Insurance
8 million email addresses
8 million global commercial enterprises email addresses
USD 240.00 Wcast software
Software for fast-sending emails.This program can send mail at the rate of over 10,000 emails per hour, and to release information to thousands of people in a short time.
USD 39.00 Email searcher software Software for searching targeted email addresses
USD 98.00 Global Trade Poster
Spread info about your business and your products over 1500 trade message boards and newgroups.
USD 135.00 Jet-Hits Plus 2000 Pro
Software for submitting website to 8000+ search engines
USD 79.00
You may directly order the emails or software from our website. For more details, Please
refer to our website.
It is our honour if you are interested in our services or software. Please do not hesitate to
contact us if any queries or concerns. We are glad to serving you.
Best regards!
K. Peng
Marketing Manager
XinLan Internet Marketing Center