[clean-list] Wish list, part 3
Marco Kesseler
Sun, 07 Apr 2002 21:20:42 +0200
Hi John,
>1. I wish that the command line option "-con" were settable
>from within an application so that the application can decide
>whether or not to request that the user hit any key to continue.
Good point. I think however, that the actual problem is that the
Clean runtime does not behave in a standard way. I think it would be
better if the Clean runtime NEVER inserts 'hit any key to continue
code'. Such behaviour is not for a runtime system to decide and
should always be specified explicitly in the program itself (it is
almost trivial for a Clean programmer to insert such code at the end
of a program).
Do you agree?
>2. I wish we had something I call aggressive evaluation.
>Suppose we have something like:
> add x y = x + y
> inc y = add 1 y
>If we could instead have:
> inc = add 1 _
>then "add 1 _" could under go aggressive evaluation instead of being
>a mere functional closure. The "_" in this case doesn't mean don't care
>but instead means don't know yet. Thus after aggressive evaluation, i.e.
>logical rewrite at compile time reducing everything except what we don't
>know yet, we would end up with essentially
> inc = \y -> 1 + y
You can also define 'inc = add 1' (i.e. without the underscore),
which is equivalent to 'inc = \y -> 1 + y'.
>Once dynamics are fully implemented it would seem this would be
>plausible albeit painful to implement.
>Now suppose we have
> sum x y z = x + y + z
> foo = sum 1 _
>which would reduce to
> foo = \ y z -> 1 + y + z
Again, 'foo = sum 1' is equivalent to 'foo = \ y z -> 1 + y + z'
>It would even be possible to write
> foobar = sum 1 _ 2
>which would reduce to
> foobar = \ y -> 1 + y + 2
Well, that's something that currently takes an auxiliary function
that shuffles some arguments. I must say that a short notation for
this kind of thing would come in handy sometimes.
>Or course this is essentially a functional closure but with one
>important distinction, i.e. any optimizing rewrites have been
>taken advantage of at compile time.
>I think aggressive evaluation is similar to multistage programming
>in a way. Reasoning about types would become fascinating as
>well especially when aggressive evaluation is thought to bridge
>embedded domain languages and their implicit types. Perhaps
>dynamic types could then be thought of in terms of transforms
>between languages which could than be fed back to reason about
>"implicit types."
I am not sure what you mean. Can you tell some more about this?