[clean-list] Wish list, part 3
Marco Kesseler
Sun, 07 Apr 2002 22:42:16 +0200
>I wish the Linux platform was better supported, with
>releases of the Clean compiler immediatelly following
>the Windows ones.
Considering the number of people that have brought this up in some
form or another in the past, I think this definitely needs to be on
the wish list (see the list below).
I am not entirely sure however whether the Clean compiler (as opposed
to IO libs and IDE) is indeed that much behind for Linux. As far as I
know, maintaining the compiler alone for different platforms is not
such a big issue. It's the libraries where the trouble begins.
This suggests that it is a good idea to divide the wish list in 4
- language issues. In my humble opinion, this is where the priorities
should be for the Clean research team, which includes ensuring that
up-to-date versions are available for ALL major platforms.
- the IO libraries (and the runtime in general). Maintaining these
for different platforms is a lot of work, and not research per se. I
understand if the Clean research team does not put an equal amount of
work in all versions. Delays in IO library development however,
should not hold back new releases of the compiler, and I do think
that they should at least put SOME effort in all variants (Linux
too). It would be best if additional parties get involved.
- IDE. It is nice that it exists (perhaps even essential for some),
but as with the IO libs, it should not hold back new releases of the
compiler. I would rather have this kind of thing maintained and
developed by some of its users.
- other libraries: written by us, the users. It is probably useful to
maintain a wish-list for this too.
assuming we are going to do this, here is the current list:
- up-to-date compilers for all major platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac).
- better interfacing with imperative (object-oriented) languages (at
least allowing Clean to be called from these languages).
- support for exceptions.
- compile-time evaluation of constant expressions.
- conditional compilation.
- better keywords and symbols
IO libs/runtime:
- IO lib support for Linux
- no more 'press any key to continue' in console programs.
- Linux version
other libs:
P.S. please do not misinterpret the 'kun.nl' domain in my e-mail
address. I am not a member of the Clean team anymore. I have been a
Ph.D. student for the Clean research group in the past, but since
1995 I am working in industry.