[clean-list] CADE Workshop on the Role of Automated Deduction in Mathematics
Volker Sorge
Sun, 07 Apr 2002 19:27:25 +0100
Call for Contributions
Second Workshop on
The Role of Automated Deduction in Mathematics
(in conjunction with CADE-18)
Copenhagen, Denmark
July 31st, 2002
[Apologies if you receive this more than once via different mailing lists]
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The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the role of automated
deduction in all areas of mathematics. This will include looking at
the interaction between automated deduction programs and other
computational systems which have been developed over recent years to
automate different areas of mathematical activity. Such systems
include computer algebra packages, tutoring programs, systems
developed to help explore a mathematical theory, and those developed
to help present and archive mathematical theories. The workshop will
also include discussions of the use of automated theorem proving in
the wider mathematical community. Presentations which detail the
employment of automated deduction techniques in any area of
mathematical research or education are encouraged.
We are interested in the interaction of automated theorem proving
programs with:
(i) computer algebra (CA) packages
(ii) constraint solvers
(iii) model generators
(iv) tutoring systems
(v) interactive textbooks
(vi) theory formation programs and
(vi) mathematical databases.
In all these fields automated deduction is either already used or
could be fruitfully employed to enhance the power and reliability of
existing systems. Particular ongoing projects include the use of
deduction to certify CA systems, and also to enhance CA systems. Other
projects include the incorporation of deduction into mathematical
tutoring systems and interactive mathematical textbooks and the use of
theory formation to help in automated theorem proving. The interaction
between these programs could be in terms of improving automated
deduction or in terms of using automated deduction to improve the
techniques employed by the other system.
The workshop is intended to inspire the use of automated deduction
within other fields of mathematics as well as the incorporation of
techniques from other fields into automated deduction. The workshop
will provide a forum for discussion between researchers interested in
various aspects and application areas of mathematics, with particular
emphasis on the role of automated deduction.
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Original workshop papers of up to 10 pages are solicited which discuss
the interaction of automated deduction and other mathematical
techniques, including, but not restricted to:
-- computer algebra
-- constraint solvers
-- model generators
-- theory formation programs
-- mathematical tutoring systems
-- mathematical textbook systems
-- mathematical databases
We hope to attract papers discussing the theoretical frameworks for
such integration as well as papers detailing particular
implementations. Demonstrations of systems combining deduction systems
with other mathematical software will be particularly encouraged.
We also hope to attract papers discussing the use of automated
deduction for mathematical research, including, but not restricted to:
-- The use of automated theorem proving on particular problems from
-- The use of semi-automated deduction techniques in mathematics.
-- Novel frameworks for the use of automated deduction within
Submissions should be sent by email in Postscript format to
Submissions should not exceed 10 pages. The deadline for submission is
April 19, 2002. Authors of accepted papers are expected to give a
presentation during the workshop.
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Accepted submissions will be collected in a volume to be distributed
at the workshop. Additionally, the submissions will be made available
on the web after the workshop.
Workshop Venue
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The workshop will be held as part of CADE 18 (The 18th International
Conference on Automated Deduction), which itself is part of FLOC'02
(Federated Logic Conference). This is to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Simon Colton
Universities of Edinburgh and York, United Kingdom
Volker Sorge
University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Important Dates
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Author Notification: 7 May 2002
Final version due: 31 May 2002
Workshop date: 31 July 2002
CADE-18 dates: 27-30 July 2002
Further information
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Web sites:
Workshop Home Page http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/~simonco/conferences/CADE02
CADE 18 Workshops http://floc02.diku.dk/pgm/workshops.html
CADE 18 http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~cade-18/
CADE Organisation http://www.cs.albany.edu/~nvm/cade.html
For further information on the workshop, please contact one of the