[FieldTrip] Single trial time series of spectral data in source space

Johan Liljefors johan.liljefors at ki.se
Tue Apr 9 14:49:16 CEST 2024

Hi Jan-Mathijs
Many thanks for your reply below, I followed your advice and while it did take a little bit of work it was nice to see it working.

Many thanks and regards

From: fieldtrip <fieldtrip-bounces at science.ru.nl> On Behalf Of Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) via fieldtrip
Sent: 22 March 2024 08:15
To: FieldTrip discussion list <fieldtrip at science.ru.nl>
Cc: Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) <janmathijs.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl>
Subject: Re: [FieldTrip] Single trial time series of spectral data in source space

Hi Johan,

If you want to do a 'superlet' analysis on time series data that are defined in source space, you need to ensure first and foremost that you input data in to ft_freqanalysis is recognized by FieldTrip as if it is a channel level data structure. Source level data is not supported by ft_freqanalysis. Moreover, it typically does not make sense to compute a TFR-like decomposition on 10,000's of source points, if the original data consisted only of 300'ish channel points. Therefore, the recommended way forward would be to compute the source-level time series on a parcellated (e.g. cortical sheet).

The way forward would be:

1 compute a spatial filter on a well-defined sourcemodel, using the inverse operator of choice. (and cfg.keepfilter = 'yes')
2 create a parcellation (e.g. atlas-based) of the sourcemodel of your liking.
3 use ft_virtualchannel with the original input data, together with the output of step 1 and 2 to create virtual channel time series, where each channel represents a source parcel
4 do the superlet (or whatever other downstream) analysis.

Good luck and happy computing,

On 15 Mar 2024, at 16:59, Johan Liljefors via fieldtrip <fieldtrip at science.ru.nl<mailto:fieldtrip at science.ru.nl>> wrote:

Dear Fieldtrip users
I am working on calculating trial level time series of spectral power in source space, for a MEG dataset I have collected. I have pre-processed and cleaned my data, which for a single subject is stored in the variable data_meg. I have the following variables:

  *   data_meg: The cleaned and preprocessed dataset for a single subject
  *   Headmodel_mne_meg and sourcemodelT: aligned headmodels, and sourcemodel (which has been calculated using Freesurfer)

If anyone has experience they can share it would be very appreciated. I have made an attempt below, the code runs but I cant tell if the results makes sense or not.

Thank  you for your time,

My code is as follows:
% Load the data
[data_meg, headmodel_mne_meg, sourcemodelT] = load_data(wsl_path,par_i,false);

% Compute the forward solution
leadfield_mne = compute_leadfield(data_ meg, sourcemodelT, headmodel_mne_meg);

% Calculate evoked data and apply noise covariance matrix from empty room recording
cfg = [];
cfg.covariance = 'yes';
cfg.covariancewindow = [-1 7.5];
cfg.keeptrials = 'no';
data_ind_avg = ft_timelockanalysis(cfg, data_ meg);
data_ind_avg.cov = cov_noise{par_i};                        % cov_noise{par_i} is the subject covariance matrix from the empty room recording

% Calculate the spatial filter using the evoked dataset and the noise covariance
source_avg = source_recon(leadfield_mne, headmodel_mne_meg,  [],data_ind_avg);
filter = source_avg.avg.filter;

% Do trial level source reconstruction using the filter
source_trial = source_recon_trials(leadfield_mne, headmodel_mne_meg, filter, data_meg);

% Calculate trial level spectral power using superlets and save the power spectrum
% This is done by "faking" a fieldtrip structure by putting each single trial into the .avg field and then running ft_freqanalysis
foi = 8:26;
toi = -1:0.01:7.5;
powspctrm = zeros(length(data_meg.trialinfo),...

parfor iTrial = 1:length(data_meg.trialinfo)
        source_single_trial = rmfield(source_trial,"trial");     % These two lines "fake" a single trial which is then processed by ft_freqanalysis
        source_single_trial.avg = source_trial.trial(iTrial);
        cfg = [];
        cfg.method              = 'superlet';
        cfg.output              = 'pow';
        cfg.pad                 = 'nextpow2';
        cfg.foi                 = foi;
        cfg.toi                 = toi;
        % cfg.order goes from 1 to 30 (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/583732v4.full.pdf)
        cfg.order               = floor(linspace(1,30,numel(cfg.foi)));
        cfg.width               = 5;
        cfg.gwidth               = 3;
        TFR_induced = ft_freqanalysis(cfg,source_single_trial);
        powspctrm(iTrial,:,:,:) = TFR_induced.powspctrm;

% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%           LOCAL FUNCTIONS                        %

function leadfield_mne = compute_leadfield(data_meg, sourcemodelT, headmodel_mne_meg)
    cfg = [];
    cfg.grad             = data_meg.grad;              % sensor positions
    cfg.channel          = 'meggrad';                  % the used channels
    cfg.senstype         = 'meg';
    cfg.sourcemodel      = sourcemodelT;
    cfg.headmodel        = headmodel_mne_meg;          % volume conduction model
    leadfield_mne        = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg,data_meg);

function source = source_recon(leadfield_mne, headmodel_mne_meg, filter, data)
    cfg                     = [];
    cfg.method              = 'mne';
    cfg.channel             = 'meggrad';
    cfg.senstype            = 'meg';
    cfg.latency             = [-1 7.5];
    cfg.sourcemodel         = leadfield_mne;
    cfg.headmodel           = headmodel_mne_meg;
    cfg.mne.prewhiten       = 'yes';
    cfg.mne.lambda          = 3;
    cfg.mne.scalesourcecov  = 'yes';
    if isempty(filter)
        cfg.mne.keepfilter      = 'yes';
        cfg.sourcemodel.filter = filter;
    source = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg,data);

function source_trial = source_recon_trials(leadfield_mne, headmodel_mne_meg, filter, data_meg)
    cfg                     = [];
    cfg.method              = 'mne';
    cfg.channel             = 'meggrad';
    cfg.senstype            = 'meg';
    cfg.latency             = [-1 7.5];
    cfg.sourcemodel         = leadfield_mne;
    cfg.headmodel           = headmodel_mne_meg;
    cfg.mne.prewhiten       = 'yes';
    cfg.mne.lambda          = 3;
    cfg.mne.scalesourcecov  = 'yes';
    if isempty(filter)
        cfg.mne.keepfilter      = 'yes';
        cfg.sourcemodel.filter = filter;
    cfg.keeptrials = 'yes';
    cfg.rawtrial = 'yes';
    source_trial = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg,data_meg);

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