[FieldTrip] Pruning

Carsten Wolters carsten.wolters at uni-muenster.de
Tue Feb 14 10:15:23 CET 2023

Hi John,

I would assume it is the pruning for the "Venant condition", i.e., that 
all dipole positions are close to a vertex
whose neighbors are all in grey matter, because they get the monopolar 
weights that approximate best
the given dipolar moment. Check e.g. this one

@Johannes: Did you implement the "ft_inside_headmodel.m" and do you agree?

We are now investigating a new FEM source model, the "localized 
subtraction approach"
where this "pruning" might be alliviated or not be needed at all, as 
long as the source is in GM.

Best regards

Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Carsten H. Wolters
University of Münster
Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis
Malmedyweg 15
48149 Münster, Germany

+49 (0)251 83 56904
+49 (0)251 83 56865 (secr.)

+49 (0)251 83 56874

Email: carsten.wolters at uni-muenster.de
Web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://campus.uni-muenster.de/biomag/das-institut/mitarbeiter/carsten-wolters/__;!!HJOPV4FYYWzcc1jazlU!4DOkcvTkP8Z9h_Yzt9uN57aiBPGOzIlZdiq7PXavgWu2nBGVh0tRGmOObbdzcvD0VPSgLcWYRDApReSO059VXIwT8NHMCMGyB_9iWw$ 

Am 13.02.23 um 19:52 schrieb Richards, John via fieldtrip:
> In on of the source analysis modules, likely for the simbio lead field 
> computation, I get the message below about pruning elements of the 
> head model.  Does anyone know what this means?  I don’t think I have 
> seen it before.
> John
> creating sourcemodel based on user specified 3D grid
> using electrodes specified in the configuration
> selecting dipole positions inside the 'gm' tissue
> pruning headmodel volume elements from 1572480 to 450494 (29%)
> pruning headmodel vertices from 262013 to 159509 (61%)
> pruning dipole positions from 1887681 to 1759824 (93%)
> This is in the ft_inside_headmodel, both inverse and forward
> ./inverse/private/ft_inside_headmodel.m: fprintf('pruning headmodel 
> volume elements from %d to %d (%d%%)\n', numhex, sum(insidehex), 
> round(100*sum(insidehex)/numhex));
> ./inverse/private/ft_inside_headmodel.m: fprintf('pruning headmodel 
> vertices from %d to %d (%d%%)\n', numpos, sum(insidepos), 
> round(100*sum(insidepos)/numpos));
> ./inverse/private/ft_inside_headmodel.m: fprintf('pruning dipole 
> positions from %d to %d (%d%%)\n', numdip, sum(insidedip), 
> round(100*sum(insidedip)/numdip));
> ./forward/ft_inside_headmodel.m: fprintf('pruning headmodel volume 
> elements from %d to %d (%d%%)\n', numhex, sum(insidehex), 
> round(100*sum(insidehex)/numhex));
> ./forward/ft_inside_headmodel.m: fprintf('pruning headmodel vertices 
> from %d to %d (%d%%)\n', numpos, sum(insidepos), 
> round(100*sum(insidepos)/numpos));
> ./forward/ft_inside_headmodel.m: fprintf('pruning dipole positions 
> from %d to %d (%d%%)\n', numdip, sum(insidedip), 
> round(100*sum(insidedip)/numdip));
> ***********************************************
> John E. Richards
> Carolina Distinguished Professor
> Department of Psychology
> University of South Carolina
> Columbia, SC  29208
> Dept Phone: 803 777 2079
> Fax: 803 777 9558
> Email: richards-john at sc.edu <mailto:richards-john at sc.edu>_
> _https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://jerlab.sc.edu__;!!HJOPV4FYYWzcc1jazlU!4DOkcvTkP8Z9h_Yzt9uN57aiBPGOzIlZdiq7PXavgWu2nBGVh0tRGmOObbdzcvD0VPSgLcWYRDApReSO059VXIwT8NHMCMEd8FZq5A$  
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