[FieldTrip] Register now for Virtual Mobile Brain-Body Imaging Conference and Social Gathering (June 7)

Iversen, John jiversen at ucsd.edu
Thu May 13 19:58:10 CEST 2021

The 1st International Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Gathering will be held June 7th / 8th (Asia/Pacific), featuring a look at the past, present, and future of Mobile Brain-Body Imaging with talks by some of the founders of the field as well as Keynotes from the postponed MoBI conference (now to be held in June 2022) and additional talks across the range of MoBI applications. We will have live socializing, discussion with speakers, networking and poster viewing on Gather.Town after the talks. 

This virtual gathering will help us stay connected, filling the place of the originally scheduled in-person conference, which as been postponed to June 3-7, 2022.

Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI) is a new imaging approach employing mobile brain imaging methods synchronized to body motion capture and other behavioral and psychophysiological data streams to investigate the brain dynamics accompanying natural cognitive and affective processes as humans interact with their environment and with others. It is a form of real-world neuroimaging.


Register here for free: https://forms.gle/8tAXo1QJqyrcJ6ge7

(You will be able to indicate interest in virtually presenting a poster as well as joining a directory of MoBI researchers.)
**We hope to attract a truly global group of participants, especially those who would not ordinarily travel to the conference, so please spread the word widely.**


	John Iversen (UCSD), Klaus Gramann (TU Berlin) & Tzyy-Ping Jung (UCSD)

==Program== (full information at https://mobi2021.ucsd.edu)

The program will feature 3 1/2 hours of talks and discussion followed by socializing and poster session live on Gather.Town, a fun platform for online interaction. 

We will have a second viewing of the talks and live session on Gather.Town for our friends in the Asia/Pacific region the morning of June 8th.

* Scott Makeig, Klaus Gramann, Tzyy-Ping Jung (UCSD and TU Berlin)
        Past, present and future of MoBI

* Stefan Debener (University Hospital Jena)
        Benefits and pitfalls of wearable EEG	

* Laurel Trainor (McMaster University)
	Using motion capture to measure audience experiences at concerts

* Ming Dong (Tianjin University)
	Brain-Body Associations during motor tasks after electrical-stimulation-based motor rehabilitation

* Sarah Robinson (Architect, Aalborg University)
	Architecture is a Verb

* Zak Djebbara (Aalborg University)
	Brain, Body and Architecture Research

* Discussion
* Social and Posters on Gather.Town

==Schedule == (see full time zone table at https://mobi2021.ucsd.edu)

Live talks + live social: 7am - 12:30 pm PDT 
optimal for the Americas, Europe, Africa and Middle East; 

Talk rebroadcast + live social: 5pm - 10:30 pm PDT
optimal for Asia/Pacific

For more information, visit https://mobi2021.ucsd.edu or email John Iversen (jiversen at ucsd.edu)

Also, register for the EEGLAB virtual workshop June 14-18: https://eeglab.org/workshops/EEGLAB_2021_UCSD.html

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