[FieldTrip] data visualization: scale?
Nathalie George (UPMC)
nathalie.george at upmc.fr
Tue Mar 30 12:16:34 CEST 2021
Dear all
I apologize for re-posting... maybe I missed the reply to my question;
if it is the case, I would be grateful for a help on how to be able to
check replies.
Is there a way to know the scale of data illustration in ft_databrowser
windows? (that is, to visualize some vertical bar on the figure window
which would indicate to what correspond the min/max numbers set for the
I know this is feasible using matlab figure, yet, I would like to be
able to stay within fieldtrip ft_databrowser if possible.
If my question lacks clarity, please let me know.
Thank you in advance for help,
best regards
Le 19/03/2021 à 12:50, Nathalie George (UPMC) a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I am processing EEG data with Fieldtrip and I use ft_databrowser to
> visualize our data (typically, for example, to review data and check
> if they have been well corrected by ICA, or to check if they are
> remaining artefacts after some correction). These are continuous or
> epoched raw or ICA-corrected EEG data recorded on multiple (128) channels.
> I have a problem which is that I find it very hard to know what is the
> scale of data visualization. For example: ylim = [-50, 50] seems to
> correspond to some arbitrary unit which does not represent the same
> "height" on screen depending on how many channels I am displaying;
> hence fixing ylim does not help. I have not found the way to know to
> how much height or "cm" my y scale corresponds.
> Can you help me with this?
> thank you very much in advance,
> best
> nathalie george
> --
> Nathalie GEORGE, DR CNRS
> Equipe Experimental Neurosurgery
> Directrice Scientifique du Centre MEG-EEG
> Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epiniere (ICM)
> UMR 7225 / UMR_S 1127, Sorbonne Université / CNRS / INSERM
> GHU Pitié-Salpetriere
> 47, Bd de l'Hopital
> F-75651 PARIS Cedex 13
> tel: +33(0)1 57 27 43 79
> fax: +33(0)1 57 27 47 93
> e-mail:nathalie.george at upmc.fr
> http://icm-institute.org/fr/
> ***********
> Si tout ici-bas était excellent, il n'y aurait rien d'excellent.
Equipe Experimental Neurosurgery
Directrice Scientifique du Centre MEG-EEG
Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epiniere (ICM)
UMR 7225 / UMR_S 1127, Sorbonne Université / CNRS / INSERM
GHU Pitié-Salpetriere
47, Bd de l'Hopital
F-75651 PARIS Cedex 13
tel: +33(0)1 57 27 43 79
fax: +33(0)1 57 27 47 93
e-mail: nathalie.george at upmc.fr
Si tout ici-bas était excellent, il n'y aurait rien d'excellent.
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