[FieldTrip] *** Online SPM M/EEG course, May 2021. Registration is now open***
Vladimir Litvak
litvak.vladimir at gmail.com
Fri Mar 19 09:28:37 CET 2021
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that our annual *SPM course for MEG/EEG* will
take place this year from *Monday, May 10 to Thursday, May 13 2021 *
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the course will take place online but we will
do our best to provide the same level of academic rigour and individual
support as we would normally do at Queen Square.
The course will present instruction on the analysis of MEG and EEG data.
The first three days will combine theoretical presentations with practical
demonstrations of the different data analysis methods implemented in SPM.
On the last day, participants will have the opportunity to work on SPM
tutorial data sets or on their own data under the supervision of the course
The schedule has been adjusted to make it easier for students in the
Americas to attend most of the talks. Talk recordings will be provided for
people who cannot join live and there will be additional Q&A sessions and
discussions on a messaging platform to answer any questions they might
The course is suitable for both beginners and more advanced users. The
topics that will be covered range from pre-processing and statistical
analysis to source localization and dynamic causal modelling.
Registration is now open. For full details see
http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/course/london/ where you can also register.
Available places are limited so please register as early as possible if you
would like to attend! The registration fee is £100 for all categories of
We are looking forward to virtually meeting you,
SPM M/EEG course team
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