[FieldTrip] ft_sourceinterpolate
RICHARDS at mailbox.sc.edu
Sat Mar 6 16:49:51 CET 2021
We are trying to use ft_sourceinterpolate.
1--We have a tetra source model, do source analysis with eLORETA, ERP data, etc. The source model is based on a tetrahedral mesh on gm rather than a hex mesh.
2--We have a 1mm hex mesh on gm
3--The goal is to interpolate the "sparse" tetra mesh with the functional data, onto the 1 mm hex mesh, in order to create MRI volumes with the activation.
4--The ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg,sourcewithtetrameash,hex1mmmesh) does not work. It does not result in the same no of "inside" voxels as the 1mm hex mesh
e.g., like 25K voxels in the tetra, 855K in the 1 mm grid, but only 15K voxels in the interpout.inside(:).
1--using a 3 mm hex mesh, source analysis, the source model is based on a 3 mm hex mesh on gm.
2--1mm hex
3--same goal
4--ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg,sourcewith3mmhexmesh,hex1mmmesh) works. It has 855K voxels in the interpout.inside(:). It also correctly saves to the gm of the MRI volume.
Any ideas on this?
We have tried int32(pos) on both tetra3mm ahd hex1mm; used only overlapping tetra3mm and hex1mm voxels; etc
John E. Richards
Carolina Distinguished Professor
Department of Psychology
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
Dept Phone: 803 777 2079
Fax: 803 777 9558
Email: richards-john at sc.edu
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