[FieldTrip] Problems using cfg.groupchans

Land.Ruediger at mh-hannover.de Land.Ruediger at mh-hannover.de
Wed Jul 7 10:31:57 CEST 2021


My plan was to do bipolar re-referencing of two electrode shanks separately using cfg.groupchans.

I tried to use cfg.groupchans to do a bipolar re-referencing of electrodes that are located on two shanks. The electrodes were named AL101, AL102, AL103, .... and BL101, BL102, BL103, ....

I then used:

cfg = [];
cfg.channel = 'all';  this is the default
cfg.reref = 'yes';
cfg.refmethod = 'bipolar';
cfg.refchannel = 'all';
cfg.groupchans = 'yes';

dataRef   = ft_preprocessing(cfg, dataPrepro);

I was then expecting that the bipoalr referencing would take place on only the respective electrode groups AL and BL. However, one pairing after the bipolar rereferencing was e.g.  AL101-BL101.

Did I do somewthing wrong? Any help is welcome...


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