[FieldTrip] Error in Source Analysis Results

Jason Leung j59leung at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 23:40:00 CET 2021

Hi Fieldtrip community,

I'm new to fieldtrip and am having difficulties trying to follow the MNE
tutorial <https://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/tutorial/minimumnormestimate/>
to do source analysis for EEG data. Similar to the tutorial, I did the
following to compute my source using a precomputed leadfield:

cfg               = [];

cfg.sourcemodel   = sourcemodel_and_leadfield;
cfg.headmodel     = headmodel;
cfg.elec = elec_realigned;

cfg.method        = 'mne';
cfg.mne.prewhiten = 'yes';
cfg.mne.lambda    = 3;
cfg.mne.scalesourcecov = 'yes';

sourceL = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg, tlckL);
sourceR = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg, tlckR);

Running the above give me the following output with no errors:

the input is timelock data with 64 channels and 2432 timebins
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds
using precomputed leadfields
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds
estimating current density distribution for repetition 1
using precomputed leadfields
computing the solution where the noise covariance is used for regularisation
prewhitening the leadfields using the noise covariance
scaling the source covariance
The input data are real-valued, assuming sensor time-series: Computing the
dipole moments
the call to "ft_sourceanalysis" took 1 seconds
the input is timelock data with 64 channels and 2432 timebins
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds
using precomputed leadfields
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds
estimating current density distribution for repetition 1
using precomputed leadfields
computing the solution where the noise covariance is used for regularisation
prewhitening the leadfields using the noise covariance
scaling the source covariance
The input data are real-valued, assuming sensor time-series: Computing the
dipole moments
the call to "ft_sourceanalysis" took 1 seconds

However, when I looked at the sourceL and sourceR variables, I can see that
each cell in the sourceL.avg.mom and sourceL.avg.noisecov variables are
empty, and sourceL.avg.pow is just full of NaNs.

I would appreciate it if someone can give me some suggestions of what went
wrong here. Thank you very much in advance!

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