[FieldTrip] Questions about the phase estimation using multiple-tapper analysis.

Ruoyi Cao ruoyi.cao at mail.huji.ac.il
Mon Apr 5 17:23:54 CEST 2021

Dear Community:
My name is Ruoyi.Cao and I am a PhD student in Leon Deouell lab in Hebrew
University of Jerusalem. I am currently working on Functional connectivity
data during working memory delay. In the experiment, I compared 2 PLV value
between two conditions.
The analysis followed the tutorial
For the functional connectivity, Instead of coherence, I computed the PLV

Here is the step :
1: I first get fourier coefficient of the data by
cfg           = [];
cfg.method    =  'mtmfft';
cfg.taper     = 'dpss';%
cfg.output    = 'fourier';
cfg.tapsmofrq =3
cfg.foi          = 1:2:60
Tapper3freqB2{1}  = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, DataB2);

2:Then I put this output
cfg           = [];
cfg.method    = 'plv';
plvfreqB2 {P}          = ft_connectivityanalysis(cfg, Tapper3freqB2{1} );

Finally, I compared the plv value between conditions and found a robust
cluster through cluster-based permutation test.  However, I cannot
replicate the significant contrast between conditions if I used hanning
window with standard fft for calculating fourier coefficient.

I am writing to ask whether it makes sense to use all the output of
multi-tapper method, which is 3 times (taper number is 3) the original
trial number to compute the PLV value. What is the influence of the phase
estimation that muti-tapper analysis could cause. If the above procedure is
not wrong,  why the same results can not be replicated with hanning window
using one tapper.

Thank you so much
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