[FieldTrip] tetra volume
Alex Bobrov
Oleksiy.Bobrov at uni-konstanz.de
Thu Apr 1 12:29:33 CEST 2021
Nein, sondern: P11+P21(angefügt) vs P12+P22(angefügt).
Am 01.04.2021 um 12:06 schrieb Carsten Wolters:
> Dear Richard,
> when I remember right, without having now deeply checked, cstoss is
> one of the SimBio-Fortran rountines that is
> responsible for the compressed storage of symmetric stiffness matrices
> (efficient storage when a matrix has only
> few non-zero elements per row, and in FEM it is like that). If it
> contains an "empty row", then something went wrong
> with building the stiffness matrix. Might you have elements with
> zero-conductivity, for example a sinus hole?
> Then the simplest solution is that you give those elements low , e.g.
> 10^-8, conductivity or similar.
> Some advertisement for the new: I have to admit it is a longer time
> ago that I stepped through the SimBio code, especially because we are
> working
> towards a replacement of the SimBio-FEM with DUNEuro
> http://www.duneuro.org/, which is a more up-to-date
> C++ code for FEM forward modeling and offers more different FEM
> options than SimBio-NeuroFEM, where the latter
> only continuous Galerkin-FEM). We currently have a software
> publication for DUNEuro in revision, if accepted,
> I could send to you.
> BR
> Carsten
> Am 31.03.21 um 18:41 schrieb RICHARDS, JOHN:
>> I am trying to create a segmented head volume with tetra mesh.
>> 1—about 2-3 mo ago, I had been doing this seamlessly. The
>> ft_prepare_mesh used the prepare_mesh_tetrahedral consistent with the
>> ft 20210330 version.
>> Then ran the ft_prepare_headmodel with the resulting mesh.
>> It worked, produced a volume
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.method ='simbio';
>> cfg.conductivity=conductivity1;
>> try
>> vol = ft_prepare_headmodel(cfg, mesh);
>> catch ME
>> rethrow(ME)
>> return;
>> end
>> 2—I am trying the same thing now, with the same MRIs and segmenting,
>> and etc.
>> The GUI matlab is running.
>> STOP Leere Zeile in cstoss is printed in the xterm command line window
>> The matlab program stops, gives errors like below.
>> Suggesting it is occurring in the mex file for the simbio mex file.?
>> 3—I have tried a dozen different combinations of the mesh call to the
>> iso2mesh,
>> [node, elem, face] = vol2mesh(seg, 1:mri.dim(1), 1:mri.dim(2),
>> 1:mri.dim(3), 2, 2, isovalue);
>> isovalues = 0.5;
>> maxvol=64;
>> dofix=1;
>> opt=100;
>> method='cgalmesh';
>> ix=[1:mri.dim(1)];
>> iy=[1:mri.dim(2)];
>> iz=[1:mri.dim(3)];
>> img=uint8(seg);
>> [node,elem,face]=vol2mesh(img,ix,iy,iz,opt,maxvol,dofix,method,isovalues);
>> [node, elem, face] = vol2mesh(uint8(seg), 1:mri.dim(1), 1:mri.dim(2),
>> 1:mri.dim(3), 1, 1, 0, 'cgalmesh');
>> [node, elem, face] = vol2mesh(uint8(seg), 1:mri.dim(1), 1:mri.dim(2),
>> 1:mri.dim(3), isovalues,opt,maxvol, 'cgalmesh');
>> [node,elem,face]=v2m(uint8(seg),0.5,100,128,method);
>> [node, elem, face] = vol2mesh(uint8(seg), 1:mri.dim(1), 1:mri.dim(2),
>> 1:mri.dim(3), 1, 1, 0, 'cgalmesh');
>> [node, elem, face] = vol2mesh(uint8(seg), 1:mri.dim(1), 1:mri.dim(2),
>> 1:mri.dim(3), 2, 2, 0,'cgalmesh');
>> 4—I may have changed the matlab version since the ones that worked.
>> However, this does not explain that a former mesh works in the
>> current prepare_headmodel, whereas a current mesh does not.
>> Any ideas?
>> John
>> Matlab crash dump
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Segmentation violation detected at Wed Mar 31 12:30:03 2021 -0400
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Configuration:
>> Crash Decoding : Disabled - No sandbox or build area path
>> Crash Mode : continue (default)
>> Default Encoding : UTF-8
>> Deployed : false
>> GNU C Library : 2.17 stable
>> Graphics Driver : Unknown software
>> Graphics card 1 : 0x102b ( 0x102b ) 0x533 Version
>> (0-0-0)
>> Java Version : Java 1.8.0_202-b08 with Oracle
>> Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode
>> MATLAB Architecture : glnxa64
>> MATLAB Entitlement ID : 4290990
>> MATLAB Root : /share/apps/MATLAB/R2019b
>> MATLAB Version : (R2019b)
>> OpenGL : software
>> Operating System : "CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core) "
>> Process ID : 14136
>> Processor ID : x86 Family 6 Model 79 Stepping 1,
>> GenuineIntel
>> Session Key : 06410f0f-59e8-40e7-b19f-3bbab586464d
>> Static TLS mitigation : Enabled: Full
>> Window System : Moba/X (11603000), display localhost:15.0
>> Fault Count: 1
>> Abnormal termination:
>> Segmentation violation
>> Register State (from fault):
>> RAX = 00002aaad18c1650 RBX = 00002aaad24e5190
>> RCX = 00002aaad8db7558 RDX = 0000000000000020
>> RSP = 00002aaad8db1f38 RBP = 00002aaad8db1fa0
>> RSI = 0000000000000025 RDI = 00002aaad1941530
>> R8 = 00002aaac005e060 R9 = 00002aaad000daa0
>> R10 = 00002aaad8db1d40 R11 = 00002aaaadd45e50
>> R12 = 00002aaad193ac80 R13 = 0000000000000000
>> R14 = 0000000000000000 R15 = 000000000000623e
>> RIP = 00002aaad1997570 EFL = 0000000000010202
>> CS = 0033 FS = 0000 GS = 0000
>> Stack Trace (from fault):
>> [ 0] 0x00002aaad1997570 <unknown-module>+00000000
>> [ 1] 0x00002aaaabbfd5ee
>> /share/apps/MATLAB/R2019b/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/glnxa64/libstdc++.so.6+01095150
>> _ZNSo5flushEv+00000030
>> [ 2] 0x0000000000000000 <unknown-module>+00000000
>> This error was detected while a MEX-file was running. If the MEX-file
>> is not an official MathWorks function, please examine its source code
>> for errors. Please consult the External Interfaces Guide for information
>> on debugging MEX-files.
>> ***********************************************
>> John E. Richards
>> Carolina Distinguished Professor
>> Department of Psychology
>> University of South Carolina
>> Columbia, SC 29208
>> Dept Phone: 803 777 2079
>> Fax: 803 777 9558
>> Email: richards-john at sc.edu <mailto:richards-john at sc.edu>_
>> _https://jerlab.sc.edu <https://jerlab.sc.edu>
>> *************************************************
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> --
> Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Carsten H. Wolters
> University of Münster
> Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis
> Malmedyweg 15
> 48149 Münster, Germany
> Phone:
> +49 (0)251 83 56904
> +49 (0)251 83 56865 (secr.)
> Fax:
> +49 (0)251 83 56874
> Email:carsten.wolters at uni-muenster.de
> Web:https://campus.uni-muenster.de/biomag/das-institut/mitarbeiter/carsten-wolters/
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