[FieldTrip] relative power estimation

Stephen Whitmarsh stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 15:53:22 CEST 2020

Hi Marta,

It's not clear from your question whether you do or do not want to baseline
correct power before plotting - with which I assume you mean not doing it
in the plotting functions but instead creating a data structure which has
had baseline correction applied. If so, ft_freqbaseline is what you are
looking for. If not, then I am afraid I do not understand that part of the
Regarding the question whether or not you should apply a baseline
correction, that would depend on what you want to do. "My final goal is to
extract different frequency-bands" is not specific enough to really give an
informed response to that.


Op ma 14 sep. 2020 om 15:32 schreef Marta Andujar <marta.andujar at uniroma1.it

> Dear all,
> I am performing a time-frequency decomposition via Morlet's Wavelet. My
> question is very basic and it concerns the estimation of the power. I
> went through different tutorials, and I am a bit confused about the
> normalization. In every tutorial I saw, the normalization is implemented
> before plotting the results.I am using the 'relative' option, so that for
> each frequency of interest and for each time-bin, the power is expressed as
> the ratio between the raw power and the power averaged over the baseline
> period. However, I would like to have my TRF results expressed as relative
> power before plotting. Is there a way to get what I am looking for? Or
> should I write my own code in order to get the relative power? My final
> goal is to extract different frequency-bands, and I guess that for each of
> these I should normalize against the power averaged both over the baseline
> period and over the frequencies defining the band of interest. Is it
> correct?
> Thank you in advance
> Marta
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