[FieldTrip] Call for talks for OHBM Open Science Room

Camille Maumet camille.maumet at inria.fr
Mon May 11 21:32:08 CEST 2020

Dear members of the FieldTrip community, 

The [ https://zimbra.inria.fr/ossig.netlify.com/ | OHBM Open Science Special Interest Group (OS-SIG) ] would like to share two exciting announcements! 


The call is now open for talks, demos, and discussions in this year's virtual Open Science Room (OSR). [ https://ohbm.github.io/osr2020/submit/ | Submit your idea now! ] 

We are providing 20 mini-grants worth 100 USD each to help OSR speakers set up for online conferencing. Apply via the link above. 

The first deadline for submission is 15 May 2020 , after which initial talk recordings will start. The second and last deadline is on 15 June. For more information, please visit the [ https://ohbm.github.io/osr2020/ | OSR website ] and our [ https://ohbm.github.io/osr2020/faq/ | FAQ ] . 

What happens in the OSR? 

The OSR is the place for OHBM meeting attendees to discuss open research practices, learn from each other, collaborate, and to foster and grow an open and inclusive community. This year, presentations and discussions will focus on [ https://ohbm.github.io/osr2020/themes/ | three main themes ] : 


Open Workflows 

Open Data 2.0 

The Past, Present and Future of Open Neuroimaging 

We will have [ https://ohbm.github.io/osr2020/formats/ | keynotes, lightning talks and demos ] , all related to the OSR themes, while emergent sessions can be scheduled for impromptu discussions. 

Can you contribute? 

We would also love for the community to be involved in building an unforgettable OSR experience. [ https://ohbm.github.io/osr2020/contribute/ | Please find more information about contributor roles and sign up here ] ! 

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [ mailto:ohbm.osr at gmail.com | ohbm.osr at gmail.com ] and follow [ https://twitter.com/ohbmopen | @OHBMopen ] on Twitter or visit the [ https://ohbm.github.io/osr2020/ | OSR website ] for updates. 

Kind regards, 

Camille Maumet, Cassandra Gould van Praag and Stephan Heunis, on behalf of the OS-SIG 


[ https://ohbm.github.io/osr2020/ | OSR 2020 website ] 

[ https://ossig.netlify.com/ | OS-SIG website ] 

Camille Maumet, PhD 

Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, Inserm 
Campus de Beaulieu 
35042 Rennes Cedex, France 
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