[FieldTrip] Potential bug using ft_dipolefitting with fieldtrip-20200623

Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
Wed Jul 1 16:45:38 CEST 2020

Dear Martin,

Thanks for your message. Sorry to hear that you experience some issues. ft_dipolefitting has received a facelift recently, so it could be that the issue you report is a genuine problem. On the other hand, it could also be that something unexpected happens due to an unexpected feature in your data, which causes an error in the changed code. Our battery of test functions apparently ran through just fine, causing the changed function to percolate into the relase version of the codebase. Yet, our tests are not exhaustive, and it could be that there are user scenarios that we haven’t thought of.

In order to be able to make the distinction between a genuine bug, and an interaction between features-of-the-specific-usecase and the updated code, could you investigate a bit more what’s going on, using the matlab debugger? If you put a breakpoint in the code on line 442 (or so), or type ‘dbstop if error’ on the matlab command line, and then execute ft_dipolefitting again, you should be able to investigate the content of the variables. Specifically, it would be interesting to know what the content is of the ‘sourcemodel' variable, as well as whether the variable ‘indx’ is properly created on line 442.

Alternatively, you could send us some data (essentially the timelockds{4} + leadfield_eeg + headmodel_eeg which would allow us to reproduce the issue and, if needed, make a fix.

Best wishes,

On 1 Jul 2020, at 13:35, Martin Schaefer <martin.schaefer at ki.se<mailto:martin.schaefer at ki.se>> wrote:

Dear all,

I ran into the following error message when calling the ft_dipolefitting function on my data:

Error using reshape
Number of elements must not change. Use [] as one of the size inputs to automatically calculate the appropriate size for that dimension.

Error in ft_dipolefitting (line 444)
      dip.pos = reshape(dip.pos,3,cfg.numdipoles)';     % convert to a Nx3 array

Error in dipole_fitting (line 152)
dipole_eeg_late = ft_dipolefitting(cfg, timelockeds{4});

My cfg commands:
cfg = [];
cfg.gridsearch         = 'yes';
cfg.numdipoles      = 1;
cfg.symmetry         = [];
cfg.grid                    = leadfield_eeg;
cfg.headmodel      = headmodel_eeg;
cfg.dipfit.metric    = 'rv';
cfg.model               = 'regional';
cfg.senstype          = 'eeg';
cfg.channel           = 'all';
cfg.nonlinear        = 'yes';
cfg.latency             = early_latency;
cfg.backproject     = 'yes';

dipole_eeg_early = ft_dipolefitting(cfg, timelockeds{4});

However, the code runs fine on an older version of fieldtrip (the one used during the last online fieldtrip workshop, I think it is from 16-04-2020).

So I'm not sure whether there is a bug in one of the versions or something else is wrong.
Does anyone else have issues with this?

Best regards,

Martin Schaefer | PhD Student
Department of Clinical Neuroscience (CNS), K8
Karolinska Institutet | 17 177 Stockholm | Nobels väg 9
martin.schaefer at ki.se<mailto:artin.arshamian at ki.se>
Karolinska Institutet – a Medical University

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