[FieldTrip] Source locations onto an anatomical label in an atlas
Sara Noriega Casuso
sara.noriega at alumni.mondragon.edu
Sat May 18 18:30:34 CEST 2019
Hello all,
I have performed source reconstruction and now I want to interpolate an
atlas onto my sourcemodel, and I am following this tutorial:
I have downloaded the source model: standard_sourcemodel3d10mm.mat and the
atlas ROI_MNI_V4.nii mentioned in the tutorial and computed this code:
> atlas_MNI = ft_read_atlas('ROI_MNI_V4.nii');
> load('standard_sourcemodel3d10mm.mat')
> cfg = [];
> cfg.interpmethod = 'nearest';
> cfg.parameter = 'tissue';
> sourcemodel2 = ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, atlas_MNI, sourcemodel);
However, I get this error:
*Reference to non-existent field 'tissue'.*
*Error in getsubfield (line 45)*
* s = s.(t{k});*
*Error in ft_sourceinterpolate (line 215)*
* if ~iscell(getsubfield(functional, cfg.parameter{i})) *
The atlas_MNI structure is defined as:
*dim: [91 109 91]*
* hdr: [1×1 struct]*
* transform: [4×4 double]*
* unit: 'mm'*
* coordsys: 'unknown'*
* brick0: [91×109×91 uint16]*
* brick0label: {1×9170 cell}*
And the sourcemodel is:
*dim: [18 21 18]*
* pos: [6804×3 double]*
* inside: [6804×1 logical]*
* cfg: [1×1 struct]*
* unit: 'cm'*
I know that the units are not equal, but the error does not come from that
Someone knows how can I handle this error?
Thank you in advance,
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