[FieldTrip] Getting data from a database instead of files
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
Thu Jun 13 18:20:33 CEST 2019
Hi Thomas,
Sadly, removing the .trl, .channels and .dimord fields did not solve my problem. It did halve the number of warnings I get (from 8 to 4). A few quick tests showed me this came down to removing the .trl field and not the other ones.
I also get a warning about inconsistent sampleinfo, which I forgot to mention in my original email.
Warnings about not being able to detect the ‘dimord’ are typically not a problem, so no worries there. The warning about the sampleinfo being inconsistent is itself not a show-stopper, but suggests that there is something not completely correct in the numerics. This is most likely the consequence of occasional round-off errors of floating point numbers, which are really hard to beat. It could well be that this also causes the error you report.
Could it be a problem with my FT path? I had path-related errors with SPM earlier, and I ended up solving them by adding ft_defaults in my startup.m file.
Another thing I found out is that the error I get (Array dimensions must match for binary array op.) doesn't always happen at the same time. The processing counter goes up to trial 3, and then frequency somewhere between 1 and 24. I'm not sure what this means, though.
It could be related to numeric round off errors, causing an occasional extra sample (or a dropout).
Yet, I noticed that you specified as method ’tfr’, which is code that I think is hardly used (because it’s so slow). May I suggest you to use ‘wltconvol’ instead? This is a much faster implementation of the wavelet transform, since it does not do convolution in the time domain (slow), but multiplication in the frequency domain (fast).
Best wishes,
Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you!
Le lun. 3 juin 2019 à 11:35, Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) <jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl<mailto:jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl>> a écrit :
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your informative e-mail :).
Here's what I did:
1- Get the data for a subset of my choosing (I tried everything with a small 4-channel, 55-trials subset)
2- Put that data into a structure built as follows, adding fields that FieldTrip required:
fsample: 1017 (I know this is weird but we're stuck with it)
channels: [1 17 25 29] Added to keep track of in-house bookkeeping
label: {'Ch:1 idElectrodeSite:181' 'Ch:17 idElectrodeSite:183' 'Ch:25 idElectrodeSite:184'
'Ch:29 idElectrodeSite:185'} Not the right structure, but I don't have header files to get them from
trial: {55×1 cell} One cell per trial, with each being [chan x time]
time: {55×1 cell} One cell per trial, each going from -750ms to 750ms (around target onset) This includes a 250ms pad on each side.
trl: [55×3 double] Built from scratch as if the trials were continuous. (Inspired by the FT function that does this)
dimord: 'chan_time' Added by hand, can't get Fieldtrip to recognize it
sampleinfo: [55×2 double] The first two columns of trl
You may need to get rid of the following fields: ’trl’ ‘dimord’ and ‘channels’. Once this is done, I think you are ready to go, without warnings and errors.
3- Try to use ft_freqanalysis using the following cfg (also attached)
cfg = [];
cfg.method= 'tfr';
cfg.pad = 'nextpow2';
cfg.width = 7;
cfg.gwidth = 3;
cfg.foi = [15:1:60];
cfg.toi = 'all';
I first get the message:
the input is raw data with 4 channels and 55 trial
This would be encouraging, but then, I get the following warnings:
Warning: could not determine dimord of "trial" in: (structure shown above)
Warning: could not determine dimord of "trl" in: (structure shown above)
...but four pairs of them.
Looking through the debugger, I found out they're given when ft_freqanalysis, calls ft_checkdata and ft_selectdata.
Are these warnings something I should be worried about, or can everything work well the way it is?
Also, how is it that FT 'could not determine dimord' when I give it one in the data structure, and it seems to understand the way it works given the message it sends at the beginning?
After the warnings, I get this:
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 16 seconds
processing trials
trial 2, frequency 32 (46.18 Hz)
Array dimensions must match for binary array op.
Error in ft_freqanalysis (line 679)
trlcnt(1, ifoi, :) = trlcnt(1, ifoi, :) + shiftdim(double(acttboi(:)'),-1);
...which I simply don't know how to solve.
So in summary:
1- Is it possible to make FT work without using original files to get the data?
2- If it is, what have I done wrong, and how could I make it work?
See above.
3- Are the warnings worrisome or is it just a natural consequence of trying to jerry-rig data in FT?
Not worrisome, they should go away if you do exactly as I told :).
4- Any idea on how to solve the error message I get is appreciated, but a secondary objective.
Probably it goes away.
Keep up the good work and with best wishes,
I attached the function I made to build the data structure in case it could help.
Thank you very much for reading this long-winded message!
Thomas Lusignan, B. Sc.
Paul Cisek's Lab
Université de Montréal
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