[FieldTrip] Error: Could not determine the parametric critical value for clustering

Stephen Whitmarsh stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 08:21:44 CET 2019

Dear Paul,

Please supply the script that you used to call  ft_freqstatistics, and a
description of the data structures, otherwise it's very hard to give any


On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 at 06:15, Paul Dhami <pdhami06 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear FieldTrip community,
> I am attempting to compare the frequency values between two groups using
> freqstatistics, but I am running into this error below in regards to 'could
> not determine the parametric critical value for clustering'.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated as to how to solve this problem.
> MDD_vs_Controls_sp_lpfc_freq_mcc =
> ft_freqstatistics(cfg,ControlsSubj_sp_lpfc_freq{:}, MDDSubj_sp_lpfc_freq{:})
> the call to "ft_selectdata" took 2 seconds and required the additional
> allocation of an estimated 2 MB
> using "ft_statistics_montecarlo" for the statistical testing
> using "ft_statfun_indepsamplesT" for the single-sample statistics
> constructing randomized design
> total number of measurements     = 58
> total number of variables        = 1
> number of independent variables  = 1
> number of unit variables         = 0
> number of within-cell variables  = 0
> number of control variables      = 0
> using a permutation resampling approach
> computing a parametric threshold for clustering
> Index exceeds the number of array elements (0).
> Error using ft_statistics_montecarlo (line 247)
> could not determine the parametric critical value for clustering
> Error in ft_freqstatistics (line 190)
>   [stat, cfg] = statmethod(cfg, dat, design);
> Best,
> Paul
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