[FieldTrip] 15 PhD positions in Marie Slodowskwa-Curie Innovative Training Network “INFANS"

Uwe Graichen uwe.graichen at tu-ilmenau.de
Thu Nov 29 10:08:29 CET 2018

As part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network
“INFANS - INtegrating Functional Assessment measures for Neonatal
Safeguard" http://www.infansproject.eu , funded by the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, we advertise 15 PhD

The goal of INFANS is to develop a new neonatal brain monitoring system,
designed to overcome the severe shortage of clinically viable means to
high quality monitor the brain function in infancy, crucial to prevent
later life neurological, cognitive and motor impairment. To accomplish
this goal, INFANS established a structured European PhD training
programme in biomedical engineering, signal processing and clinical
procedures to train a new generation of creative and entrepreneurial
young researchers.

The individual research projects of the early stage researchers (ESR)
encompass the topics: technological innovation, industrial development,
clinical validation, identification of neonatal healthcare needs. As
part of their research the INFANS ESRs will develop a novel platform for
high quality, clinically-viable EEG-NIRS monitoring accessible
worldwide. Well-targeted visits and secondments, soft skills and dynamic
training activities, an Open Science strategy, extensive involvement of
ESRs in the network events organization, extensive contacts with other
research, training and industrial European networks, dissemination
activities and the award of Double doctoral degrees are further assets
offered to INFANS ESRs.

Excellent science, industrial leadership and societal challenge are
merged in the INFANS network. The INFANS consortium includes 6 academic
and 4 non-academic partners from 6 EU countries, among which leading
universities, companies and clinical institutions. The partners involved
in INFANS share complementary expertise and facilities to provide
international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral research training and
mobility that will complement local doctoral training. The INFANS ESRs
will become independent researchers with improved career prospects in
both the academic and non-academic sectors, and will advance the EU
capacity for innovation in biomedical engineering.

The institution and the place where the different ESR projects will be
carried out, the scientific supervisor(s), individual research project
titles, and contact person for each available position can be found
specified in the attached document.

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