[FieldTrip] PhD position on auditory timing in speech and music at MPIEA Frankfurt

Rimmele, Johanna Maria johanna.rimmele at ae.mpg.de
Wed May 2 10:48:03 CEST 2018

Dear all,

We are currently looking for an excellent candidate for a 3 year Ph.D. position in the Neuroscience Department at the MPI for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt am Main.
This is a chance to work in a relentlessly interdisciplinary and exciting place.
The project focuses on auditory timing in speech and music using behavioral and neurophysiological measures.

For details visit our homepage:

Please forward this info to interested and skilled candidates or people that might know suitable candidates!
Many thanks!

All the Best,


Dr. Johanna Rimmele
Max-Planck-Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
Department of Neuroscience
Grüneburgweg 14
D-60322 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 8300479 323
j.rimmele at aesthetics.mpg.de<mailto:j.rimmele at aesthetics.mpg.de>

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