[FieldTrip] Granger causality

Eric Gabriel ericgabriel.rodrigues at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 29 14:17:45 CEST 2018

Hi, my name is Eric Rodrigues
I am a Master's student in Neuroengineering at the Santos Dumont Institute in Brazil.

I am studying about Granger causality and I have some doubts that I could not heal for the documentation of the site.

I am basically analyzing the local field potentials of 64 channels recorded in rats in 4 regions of the brain to infer causal relationships. The experiment is a tactile discrimination task.

My question is how to create the data windows according to the events that occur in the experiment. The data was registered in Plexon and has extension ".plx"

Thanks in advance.

Eric Gabriel Oliveira Rodrigues
Engenheiro Civil - CREA: 2116637597 - RN
Mestrando em Neuroengenharia
Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience
Macaiba, RN - Brazil.
(84) 99627-5378
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