[FieldTrip] Granger-Causality in the Time Domain

laetitia.lalla at inserm.fr laetitia.lalla at inserm.fr
Tue May 2 16:47:27 CEST 2017

Dear FieldTrip community,  

I was looking for a way to perform Granger causality in the time domain
with FieldTrip and I found this post from 2014 : "The Granger causality
in ft_connectivityanalysis is always frequency-domain Granger
(time-domain Granger is not implemented in FieldTrip)." 

We are in 2017 now, is it still the case ? If yes, could you give me
some advice regarding other toolboxes than can compute time-domain
Granger causality ? 

Thank you very much for your help.  

All the best,  

Laetitia Lalla
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