[FieldTrip] Brain Connectivity

Hamed Taheri hamedtaheri at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 27 23:16:59 CEST 2017

Dear all,
My name is Hamed a PhD student in Neuroscience. 
I'm working on a project about EEG analyzing. 
My EEG signal recorded by BrainVision Recorder (64 channels and 250 sampling rate)I selected a simple task for starting analyzing which it was eyes open and closed task. Now I want to do several steps 
1- reading  .eeg file 
2- artifact rejection3- extracting 8-13 Hz4- Finding which electrodes have more connectivity to each other during this task and which brain regions are connected during this task correspond to the electrodes. 
I have no problem with steps 1 to 3. 
For step 4 I read this tutorial http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/tutorial/networkanalysis
but I don't have MRI images from my participants and I don't have the head model.Would you please let me know what should I do for doing the main part ( part 4) of my analysis?
Best RegardsHamed

 Hamed Taheri Gorji
PhD Candidate 
Brain Imaging Laboratory 

University of Rome

Santa Lucia Foundation, ViaArdeatina 306, 00179 Rome
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