[FieldTrip] FT_REGRESSCONFOUND: usage on other confounds in data
Zita Eva Patai
e.patai at ucl.ac.uk
Mon Jan 30 21:50:45 CET 2017
That's great thank you Arjen!
On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Arjen Stolk <a.stolk8 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Zita,
> The short answer is yes, as you guessed already. Ideally, the confound is
> measured independently from the dependent measure, e.g. eye tracker
> activity to filter against eye movement related confounds in neural
> activity. But in the past we've also successfully regressed out eye
> movement related contributions as captured with EOG from frontal
> (source-reconstructed) neural activity, despite that both signals may have
> been partially correlated due to field spread. See 'General assessments of
> neurophysiologic data' & Fig S3 of this pdf:
> http://www.pnas.org/content/suppl/2013/08/16/1303170110.
> DCSupplemental/pnas.201303170SI.pdf
> The same principle that underlies head movement compensation thus also
> holds for other potential confounds, including the ones mentioned by you.
> Best,
> Arjen
> 2017-01-30 5:27 GMT-08:00 Zita Eva Patai <e.patai at ucl.ac.uk>:
>> Dear FT-ers,
>> I have an obvious question, but would still appreciate input from those
>> more wise than myself:
>> Can I put any sort of confound in to regress out of my data? For example
>> things relating to
>> -eye-movements (ICA done but I still have obvious condition differences)
>> -experimentally uncontrolled stimulus changes
>> -or any other environmental effects i'd like to control for
>> Thank you
>> zita
>> --
>> Eva Zita Patai, DPhil
>> Postdoctoral Researcher
>> Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience
>> UCL
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Eva Zita Patai, DPhil
Postdoctoral Researcher
Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience
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