[FieldTrip] Inquiry about Field-Trip usage for multi-channel sources

Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
Fri Apr 14 21:19:15 CEST 2017

Please read the documentation. I think it should be sufficiently clear.


function [simulated] = ft_dipolesimulation(cfg)

        % FT_DIPOLESIMULATION computes the field or potential of a simulated dipole
        % and returns a datastructure identical to the FT_PREPROCESSING function.
        % Use as
        % data = ft_dipolesimulation(cfg)
        % The dipoles position and orientation have to be specified with
        % cfg.dip.pos = [Rx Ry Rz] (size Nx3)
        % cfg.dip.mom = [Qx Qy Qz] (size 3xN)
        % The timecourse of the dipole activity is given as a single vector or as a
        % cell-array with one vectors per trial
        % cfg.dip.signal
        % or by specifying a sine-wave signal
        % cfg.dip.frequency in Hz
        % cfg.dip.phase in radians
        % cfg.dip.amplitude per dipole
        % cfg.ntrials number of trials
        % cfg.triallength time in seconds
        % cfg.fsample sampling frequency in Hz
        % Random white noise can be added to the data in each trial, either by
        % specifying an absolute or a relative noise level
        % cfg.relnoise = add noise with level relative to simulated signal
        % cfg.absnoise = add noise with absolute level
        % cfg.randomseed = 'yes' or a number or vector with the seed value (default = 'yes')
        % Optional input arguments are
        % cfg.channel = Nx1 cell-array with selection of channels (default = 'all'),
        % see FT_CHANNELSELECTION for details
        % cfg.dipoleunit = units for dipole amplitude (default nA*m)
        % cfg.chanunit = units for the channel data
        % The volume conduction model of the head should be specified as
        % cfg.headmodel = structure with volume conduction model, see FT_PREPARE_HEADMODEL
        % The EEG or MEG sensor positions should be specified as
        % cfg.elec = structure with electrode positions, see FT_DATATYPE_SENS
        % cfg.grad = structure with gradiometer definition, see FT_DATATYPE_SENS
        % cfg.elecfile = name of file containing the electrode positions, see FT_READ_SENS
        % cfg.gradfile = name of file containing the gradiometer definition, see FT_READ_SENS

function [lf] = ft_compute_leadfield(dippos, sens, headmodel, varargin)

        % FT_COMPUTE_LEADFIELD computes a forward solution for a dipole in a a volume
        % conductor model. The forward solution is expressed as the leadfield
        % matrix (Nchan*3), where each column corresponds with the potential or field
        % distributions on all sensors for one of the x,y,z-orientations of the
        % dipole.
        % Use as
        % [lf] = ft_compute_leadfield(dippos, sens, headmodel, ...)
        % with input arguments
        % dippos = position dipole (1*3 or Ndip*3)
        % sens = structure with gradiometer or electrode definition
        % headmodel = structure with volume conductor definition
        % The headmodel represents a volume conductor model, its contents
        % depend on the type of model. The sens structure represents a sensor
        % array, i.e. EEG electrodes or MEG gradiometers.
        % It is possible to compute a simultaneous forward solution for EEG and MEG
        % by specifying sens and grad as two cell-arrays, e.g.
        % sens = {senseeg, sensmeg}
        % headmodel = {voleeg, volmeg}
        % This results in the computation of the leadfield of the first element of
        % sens and headmodel, followed by the second, etc. The leadfields of the
        % different imaging modalities are subsequently concatenated.
        % Additional input arguments can be specified as key-value pairs, supported
        % optional arguments are
        % 'reducerank' = 'no' or number
        % 'normalize' = 'no', 'yes' or 'column'
        % 'normalizeparam' = parameter for depth normalization (default = 0.5)
        % 'weight' = number or 1xN vector, weight for each dipole position (default = 1)
        % 'backproject' = 'yes' (default) or 'no', in the case of a rank reduction
        % this parameter determines whether the result will be
        % backprojected onto the original subspace
        % The leadfield weight may be used to specify a (normalized)
        % corresponding surface area for each dipole, e.g. when the dipoles
        % represent a folded cortical surface with varying triangle size.
        % Depending on the specific input arguments for the sensor and volume, this
        % function will select the appropriate low-level EEG or MEG forward model.
        % The leadfield matrix for EEG will have an average reference over all the
        % electrodes.
        % The supported forward solutions for MEG are
        % single sphere (Cuffin and Cohen, 1977)
        % multiple spheres with one sphere per channel (Huang et al, 1999)
        % realistic single shell using superposition of basis functions (Nolte, 2003)
        % leadfield interpolation using a precomputed grid
        % boundary element method (BEM)
        % The supported forward solutions for EEG are
        % single sphere
        % multiple concentric spheres (up to 4 spheres)
        % leadfield interpolation using a precomputed grid
        % boundary element method (BEM)

On 14 Apr 2017, at 19:48, Joseph Lee <joeboe at umich.edu<mailto:joeboe at umich.edu>> wrote:

Thank you for your reply Jan-Marthijs,

May I ask then what the main difference between using 'ft_compute_leadfield' to calculate leadfield and generate a signal vs using 'ft_dipole_simulation'.  Thanks!


On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 3:24 AM, Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) <jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl<mailto:jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl>> wrote:

You may want to have a look here: http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/example/compute_forward_simulated_data_and_apply_a_dipole_fit?s[]=ft&s[]=dipolesimulation to get started.

Best wishes,

J.M.Schoffelen, MD PhD
Senior Researcher, VIDI-fellow - PI, language in interaction
Telephone: +31-24-3614793<tel:+31%2024%20361%204793>
Physical location: room 00.028
Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

On 07 Apr 2017, at 20:23, Joseph Lee <joeboe at umich.edu<mailto:joeboe at umich.edu>> wrote:

Dear Field Trip Community

I am Joe from the Computational Unit of the Center for Consciousness Science, University of Michigan.

We are somewhat new to forward modelling and are currently undertaking a project to generate 128 scalp-level channel signals from the 78 source-level signals. We are using the "ft_compute_leadfield" function of FieldTrip in order to accomplish that goal.

Is this a valid approach for our goal or were those functions designed for a different purpose?

Any comments on this will be helpful for us. Thank you very much.



Research Assistant
Center for Consciousness Science,
University of Michigan Medical School,
Ann Arbor, USA
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