[FieldTrip] Fieldtrip Octave MEX files - help

Andrew Lofts A_Lofts at hotmail.ca
Fri Apr 7 23:01:27 CEST 2017

Hello Readers,

I am attempting to preform dipole fitting using fieldtrip in Octave. I am having trouble whenever the code uses one of the functions that require MEX to work.

I have installed liboctave-dev in order for mkoctave to work. Whenever a function such as solid_angle is called it needs to be compiled to a .mex, as preformed in the solid_angle.m file.

The call can not find the .c files that are needed.

     "error: no such file, '/home/jad/EAndrew_Lofts/EyesTest/eeg_pipe_asr_amica/analysis/support/dependencies/eeglab_asr_amica/plugins/Fieldtrip-lite141209/forward/private/solid_angle.m'
      error: called from
         bounding_mesh at line 74 column 12
         find_outermost_boundary at line 45 column 17
         ft_prepare_vol_sens at line 85 column 24
         prepare_headmodel at line 94 column 11
         ft_dipolefitting at line 233 column 15
         dipfit_gridsearch at line 106 column 8
         pop_dipfit_gridsearch at line 135 column 10
         pop_multifit at line 133 column 13"

It appears as if these .c file do no exist. There are plenty of .mex* files in the folder but none of them are recognised by "which solid_angle" except for the one .m file.
Can someone help me find the .c files to compile, or help with getting Octave to recognise and run one of the other .mex* variants.

Andrew Lofts

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