[FieldTrip] Applying wPLI to sLORETA-derived sources?

Tzvetan Popov tzvetan.popov at uni-konstanz.de
Mon Jan 4 17:02:49 CET 2016

Dear Marta,
the applicability of connectivity metrics in FieldTrip (including wPLI) is independent of the inverse operator. So the answer is yes and no. It is appropriate if you have the single observations (i.e. epochs that you cut the data into) kept in the output of your source reconstruction analysis. I guess you have 88 source waveforms and not 88 x Ntrials time series. If this is correct wPLI or any phase metric is rather inappropriate. 

Good luck,

> Dear Community,
> I have resting-state data obtained by 70-channel EEG recording. I have calculated EEG sources and obtained estimated signal in 88 Brodmann areas (BAs) by means of sLORETA. Now I would like to measure connectivity between these BAs. I have seen that many connectivity measures have been developed in fieldtrip, including the weighted Phase Lag Index (wPLI). Given that wPLI estimates time-lagged interdependences, is it appropriate to apply wPLI to sLORETA estimated sources?
> Thank you for your help!
> Marta
> Marta Bortoletto, PhD 
> Cognitive Neuroscience Section, 
> IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli 
> Via Pilastroni 4, 25125 Brescia, Italy 
> Phone number: (+39) 0303501594 
> E-mail: marta.bortoletto at cognitiveneuroscience.it 
> web: http://www.cognitiveneuroscience.it/
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