[FieldTrip] fieldtrip for Mac

Anna Wieczorek-Taraday anna.wieczorek.taraday at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 11:44:19 CEST 2016

Hi Shu,
If I understood correctly, you would you topoplot to be 'blue-yellow-red'
instead of being 'blue-green'?
If that is the case, you should specify the colormap in configuration
structure when drawing figure (probably your default colormap on MacBook is
set to 'parula' and the one on Win is 'jet').
try this:

cfg.colormap = 'jet'

and here you can find some more info about colormaps in Matlab:

Good luck,

2016-08-07 14:37 GMT+02:00 shu xiaokang <xkshu at outlook.com>:

> Hi,
> I have met a problem when I was using fieldtrip to plot a topography with
> my macbook. Detailly, the colors of topographies drawn (using
> ft_topoplotTFR) with macbook are different from that drawn with windows
> (as attached figures). Actually, the pictures drawn with macbook are really
> ugly. Anyone know how to solve the problem?
> Shu
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