[FieldTrip] ft_preprocessing ignores channel selection

Pelt, S. van (Stan) stan.vanpelt at donders.ru.nl
Sat Oct 3 08:42:27 CEST 2015

Dear Stephan,

Actually, the data structure looks fine to me. The dimension order in the trial field is trialnumber x timepoints, (do you have 129 trials?), not channel x timepoints. Or have I misunderstood your problem?


Op 2 okt. 2015 om 20:46 heeft Steph Bickel <bick35 at gmail.com<mailto:bick35 at gmail.com>> het volgende geschreven:


sorry for re-posting this, but I was wondering if someone had an idea what is going wrong here? Is there something wrong with my configuration?

Thank you!


On Sep 26, 2015, at 11:54 PM, Steph Bickel <bick35 at gmail.com<mailto:bick35 at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hello fieldtrip experts,

a script that used to work gives me problems now.

When I specify subsets of channels to import it will correctly only import the selected label but in the trial field it will have all channels imported.

cfg.dataset =  edf_file ;
cfg.continuous = ‘yes’;
cfg.demean = ‘yes' ;
cfg.channel = ‘Event' ;
raw = ft_preprocessing(cfg);

raw =

           hdr: [1x1 struct]
         label: {'Event'}
          time: {[1x152082 double]}
         trial: {[129x152082 double]}
       fsample: 499.7071
    sampleinfo: [1 152082]
           cfg: [1x1 struct]

It seems that read_edf.m is being called and at line 351 the chanindx is being overwritten by EDF.chansel (which is being read out of the edf header directly). Do I see this correctly or am I setting wrong parameters?

  if isfield(EDF, 'chansel')
      chanindx = EDF.chansel;
      chanSel = 1;
      chanindx = [1:EDF.NS];
      chanSel = 0;

Thank you!


(I’m using the current github field trip version on a mac)

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