[FieldTrip] How to obtain all trials data?

Reo Inoue inouereo0406 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 5 00:15:50 CET 2015

Dear all,

I use function; ft_sourceanalysis following. [source] = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg, timelock)
And I want to obtain the all trials data, not average. But I could not
understand why i obtain the average. My config is following. Are there any
cfg=[]; cfg.method = 'eloreta'; cfg.jackknife = 'no';%'no' or 'yes' jackknife resampling of trials
cfg.pseudovalue = 'no';%'no' or 'yes' pseudovalue resampling of trials cfg.bootstrap = 'no';%'no' or 'yes' bootstrap resampling of trials cfg.numbootstrap = 1;%%number of bootstrap replications (e.g. number of
original trials) cfg.keeptrials='yes'; cfg.vol =vol; %structure with volume conduction model, see FT_PREPARE_HEADMODEL cfg.elec =elec;%structure with electrode positions, see FT_DATATYPE_SENS [source{SouInd,1}] = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg,timelock);

Thanks a lot in advance,
All the best,
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