[FieldTrip] biosemi bdf >> read_24bit error + no events found

Paul Zerr zerr.paul at googlemail.com
Mon May 25 15:51:15 CEST 2015

I have not. I can read in the header but that's about it.
I don't have any older matlab versions here to test it with either.

>From what I understand ft_preprocessing should be capable of reading bdf's
directly with only the file name as input arg.

Paul Zerr

From: <bibi.raquel at gmail.com>
> To: FieldTrip discussion list <fieldtrip at science.ru.nl>
> Subject: Re: [FieldTrip] biosemi bdf >> read_24bit error + no events
>         found
> Message-ID: <5560dddf.0b91340a.2dab.ffffdae5 at mx.google.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Have you resolved this issue?
> From: Paul Zerr
> Sent: ?Thursday?, ?May? ?14?, ?2015 ?8?:?01? ?AM
> To: FieldTrip discussion list
> Hi all,
> I'm new to fieldtrip so forgive me if my mistake is obvious.
> I want to import my raw, markerless dataset (
> http://www.filedropper.com/1_20) with
> cfg = [];
> cfg.dataset = '2.bdf';
> data = ft_preprocessing(cfg)
> However, I get
> reading and preprocessing
> error opening file: 2.bdf
> One or more output arguments not assigned during call to "read_24bit".
> Error in read_biosemi_bdf>readLowLevel (line 274)
>   buf = read_24bit(filename, offset, numwords);
> Error in read_biosemi_bdf (line 242)
>       buf = readLowLevel(filename, offset, epochlength); % see below in
> subfunction
> Error in ft_read_data (line 321)
>     dat = read_biosemi_bdf(filename, hdr, begsample, endsample, chanindx);
> Error in ft_preprocessing (line 578)
>       dat = ft_read_data(cfg.datafile, 'header', hdr, 'begsample',
> begsample,
>       'endsample', endsample, 'chanindx', rawindx, 'checkboundary',
>       strcmp(cfg.continuous, 'no'), 'dataformat', cfg.dataformat)
> Error in Untitled (line 19)
> data = ft_preprocessing(cfg)
> Using cfg.trialdef.eventtype = '?'; outputs "no events were found in the
> datafile" for ft_definetrial even for datasets with many markers.
> Converting to EDF+ did not help as it then says "channels with different
> sampling rate not supported". Specifying only one channel makes no
> difference. The file itself is fine (opens well in BvA).
> Defining only one channel to preprocess gives the same error.
> I couldn't find a solution in the archives, the faq, wiki or documentation.
> I'm using debian stable & matlab 2014a. Same issue at DCC computers
> running windows & matlab 2013a.
> Any ideas?
> Much appreciated,
> Paul Zerr
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