[FieldTrip] no red color for ft_multiplotTFR

NIEUWLAND Mante M.Nieuwland at ed.ac.uk
Wed Jun 3 22:38:27 CEST 2015

Dear all,

I'm new to Fieldtrip, so I hope this question isn't too stupid :-D. I could not find anything relevant on the previous threads.

When I use the multiplotTFR function (example code pasted below), the hot color is always yellow and never red, even if I set the zlim to extremely small values).

I am using fieldtrip-20150504. What am I doing wrong? I thought the red-blue hot-cold colors were standard. Any help is really appreciated!



cfg = [];

cfg.layout      = 'config/biosemi64.lay';

cfg.channel = 'all';

cfg.baseline = 'no';

cfg.xlim = [0 2];%[-0.5 1.5];%

cfg.ylim = [30 100];

cfg.zlim = [-0.1 0.1];

cfg.interactive = 'yes';

cfg.showlabels    = 'yes';

cfg.colorbar = 'yes';


ft_multiplotTFR(cfg, grandavg_hi_131_132);

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