[FieldTrip] Importing .ses files

Ingrid Sör ingrid.sor at neuro.uu.se
Fri Jul 24 10:33:02 CEST 2015

Dear Debora,

Thank you very much for your help. I obviously didn't look into the 
exporting alternative properly! It definitely sounds like the best 
solution. At the moment I don't have access to NeurOne, but I will try 
it out when I do.

Thanks again.

On 2015-07-23 22:55, Debora Desideri wrote:
> Dear Ingrid,
> the most straightforward way to read NeurOne data in Fieldtrip is to 
> export them in .eeg format from NeurOne itself. If I remember well you 
> can do that going to results, choosing the dataset you want to export 
> and then  the option "Export Brain Products" (or something like this, 
> I cannot check it right now, but you should find it easily).  The .eeg 
> format is supported by Fieldtrip and everything should work smoothly
> Hope this help :)
> Good luck with your research
> Best
> Debora
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 10:37 PM, Ingrid Sör <ingrid.sor at neuro.uu.se 
> <mailto:ingrid.sor at neuro.uu.se>> wrote:
>     Dear community,
>     My name is Ingrid Sör and am working at Uppsala University,
>     Sweden, where we have recently started up a lab for studying
>     speech and language related issues. At the moment I am trying my
>     hand at analysing some trial EEG data with Fieldtrip (an oddball
>     paradigm).
>     We are using the NeurOne software from MEGA Electronics, which
>     renders data in .ses file format. I seem to be having trouble
>     reading this format with ft_read_header, so I suspect it isn't
>     supported (but I have read different accounts about this here
>     <http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/dataformat> and here
>     <http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/getting_started/egi>)? Maybe the
>     file formats are also different depending on if they are from
>     NeurOne or Net Station?
>     As far as I know, exporting to another format can't be done from
>     NeurOne, as is suggested for Net Station. MEGA do supply Matlab
>     functions to import the data though. But I thought I'd double
>     check that the format actually isn't supported before I go down
>     that route. I would also be glad to know if anyone has experience
>     with using .ses data from NeurOne and know what alternative might
>     be the best for importing to FieldTrip: reformatting the data
>     structure rendered by the Matlab functions (from MEGA) to give
>     compatibility with FieldTrip, or extending the FieldTrip reading
>     functions to make them implement the .ses file format too?
>     Further below is some info about my code and the error, if the
>     error could be explained by this.
>     Any help would be much appreciated.
>     Best,
>     Ingrid
>     -------------
>     This is the line I got stuck on, with the error message below.
>     cfg = ft_definetrial(cfg);
>     Warning: could not determine filetype of
>     /media/ingrid/Elements/EEG-data/P300_2015-06/Subject01/NeurOne-2015-06-12T130624.ses
>     > In ft_filetype at 1221
>       In utilities/private/dataset2files at 42
>       In ft_checkconfig at 541
>       In ft_definetrial at 128
>     Warning: no trialfun was specified, using ft_trialfun_general
>     > In ft_definetrial at 135
>     evaluating trialfunction 'ft_trialfun_general'
>     Error using ft_read_header (line 2053)
>     unsupported header format (unknown)
>     Error in ft_trialfun_general (line 78)
>     hdr = ft_read_header(cfg.headerfile, 'headerformat',
>     cfg.headerformat);
>     Error in ft_definetrial (line 174)
>         [trl, event] = feval(cfg.trialfun, cfg);
>     My cfg structure looks like this:
>     cfg =
>            dataset:
>     '/media/ingrid/Elements/EEG-data/P300_2015-06/Subject01/NeurOne-2015-06-12T130624.ses'
>           trialdef: [1x1 struct]
>           lpfilter: 'no'
>         continuous: 'yes'
>            channel: 'EEG'
>             layout: 'EEG1020.lay'
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