[FieldTrip] How to read .dicom format using FT_READ_MRI

Ying Li yingli.ucla at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 20:04:32 CET 2015

Dear all,

I'm trying to load MRI into matlab. The MRI data I have is a series of
.dicom files (~250 frames, "IMG1"~"IMG250").  I'm wondering how to specify
the input parameter for the function "ft_read_mri". Since I have 250 files,
which file should I use for the input?

If I only use the first file "IMG1", for example mri = ft_read_mri('IMG1');
 Then I will get the following error:

Warning: Not enough data imported.  Attempted to read 3053459760 bytes at
position 2953.  Only read 534544.
ERROR: IMG1 does not have a series number
Error in load_dicom_series (line 42)
if(nargin < 1 | nargin > 3)

Output argument "vol" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to

Error in ft_read_mri (line 287)
  [img,transform,hdr,mr_params] = load_dicom_series(dcmdir,dcmdir,filename);

I'll appreciate your reply a lot!


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