[FieldTrip] SIMBIO tool in Fieldtrip for FEM head modelling

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at donders.ru.nl
Mon Jan 5 09:44:59 CET 2015

Dear Munsif,

The SIMBIO FEM tool that is under development is integrated in FieldTrip, i.e. you do not call it separately. The procedure is that you coregister your anatomical MRI to the same coordinate system in which you want to express your sensor and source locations, segment the MRI and pass the segmented MRI to ft_prepare_mesh and subsequently to ft_prepare_headmodel, which will call the appropriate functions from SIMBIO. Finally, you can call ft_prepare_leadfield (or the lower level ft_compute_leadfield) to compute the forward solutions for the desired source locations. 

The documentation on http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/development/simbio contains example code.

best regards,

PS please address future questions to the email list.

On 15 Dec 2014, at 05:00, Munsif Jatoi <munsif.jatoi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Sir,
> I hope you are fine.
> Sir, I am doing PhD in the field of Brain source Localization based on EEG signals at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Perak, Malaysia since 2011. I have developed a MATLAb code based upon SPM8 and Fieldtrip for simulated EEG data. For this, I have used BEM modelling (please find the attached .m file). However, I want to use FEM modelling to compare my results to be taken by using various inverse methods (MUSIC, Min Norm etc.). I have come to know through the website of Fieldtrip (http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/development/simbio) that there is a tool for FEM. When I searched through it, I couldn't find the SIMBIO tool which can be used for FEM head modelling. So can you please help me in this sense. 
> Many Thanks,
> Munsif.
> -- 
> Munsif Ali H.Jatoi,
> Ph D Scholar,
> Centre for Intelligent Signals and Imaging Research,
> Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
> Malaysia.

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