[FieldTrip] Problem with Geodesic 129 layout!!

KatrinH Heimann katrinheimann at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 21:38:01 CEST 2014

Dear Joseph, thanks so much, I really appreciate your help. I was also
wandering, if maybe there is another bug in my code.
Our nets are 128 channels, Hydrocel, but as a colleague of me adviced me to
do so, I also tried the 129 layout.
My code you find below (without selection of bad channels etc.)
If you need also the data of two subjects to have a look, let me know!!!
Best and thanks really!

subject=input('Which subject do you want to analyse?   ','s');

name = strcat(subject,'.raw');

subjectnumber=input('Which is the subjectnumber?', 's');


%subjectnumber = strcat(subjectnumber, '.txt')


cfg                     = [];

cfg.dataset             = name;

cfg.trialfun            = 'ft_trialfun_general'; % this is the default

cfg.trialdef.eventtype  = 'trigger';

cfg.trialdef.eventvalue = 'stim'; % the value of the stimulus trigger

cfg.trialdef.prestim    = 0.234; % in seconds

cfg.trialdef.poststim   = 7.266; % in seconds (whole time of video
observation, but maybe we need less)

cfg                     = ft_definetrial(cfg);

cfg.trl([1:7],:) = [];

%change timeline according to constant offset of 16 ms = 8 samples (because
recorded with 500 hz)in

%structure trial


%change timeline to make the cut the zeropoint

cfg.trl(:,3)=cfg.trl(:,3)- 1000;

%% preprocess data

cfg.channel    = 'all';

cfg.preproc.detrend       = 'yes';

cfg.preproc.demean = 'yes';

cfg.preproc.baselinewindow = [-2.1 -2.0]

%cfg.preproc.bpfilter = 'yes';   - the data here has to be already filtered

%(0.1-45) and bad channels have to be replaced!!!!

%cfg.preproc.bpfreq = [6 32];



obs_data           = ft_preprocessing(cfg);


save (strcat(sb,'obs_data') , 'obs_data')

%% determining channel neighbours (necessary for Artifact detection)

cfg = [];

cfg.channel  = obs_data.label;

cfg.layout   = 'GSN128.sfp';

cfg.feedback = 'yes';

lay          = ft_prepare_layout(cfg);

cfg_neighb          = [];

cfg_neighb.feedback = 'yes';

cfg_neighb.method   = 'triangulation';

cfg_neighb.layout   = 'GSN128.sfp';

neighbours          = ft_prepare_neighbours(cfg_neighb, obs_data);

obs_data.elec = ft_read_sens('GSN128.sfp');

%% Artifacts - to detect bad channels - is not saved!!!

cfg.method = 'summary';

cfg.latency=[0 1];

cfg.layout = 'GSN128.sfp';       % this allows for plotting

obs_data_try = ft_rejectvisual(cfg, obs_data);

cfg = [];

cfg.viewmode = 'vertical';

cfg.latency=[0 1];

cfg.continuous = 'no';


cfg = ft_databrowser(cfg,obs_data);

%cfg.artfctdef.reject = 'complete';

obs_data_try = ft_rejectartifact (cfg,obs_data);

%% Preparing neighbours for channel repair - but bad channel info in!!!

% cfg_neighb          = [];

% cfg_neighb.feedback = 'yes';

% cfg_neighb.method   = 'triangulation';

% cfg_neighb.layout   = 'GSN-HydroCel-128.sfp';

% neighbours          = ft_prepare_neighbours(cfg_neighb, obs_data);

% Interpolate and put into new data structure

 cfg                      = [];

 cfg.badchannel           = {};

 cfg.layout               = 'GSN128.sfp';

 cfg.method               = 'nearest';

 cfg.neighbours           = neighbours;

 obs_data_channelrepaired       = ft_channelrepair(cfg,obs_data)

 % Check reconstruction

cfg = [];

cfg.viewmode = 'vertical';

cfg.continuous = 'no';


cfg = ft_databrowser(cfg,obs_data_channelrepaired);

%cfg.artfctdef.reject = 'complete';

obs_data_clean1 = ft_rejectartifact (cfg,obs_data_channelrepaired);

% dat1=obs_data;

% dat2=obs_data_channelrepaired;


% x=dat1.trial{1}(62,:); % 68 is channel index of E68

% y=dat2.trial{1}(62,:);

% plot(x);hold on;plot(y,'r');


% x=dat1.trial{1}(72,:);

% y=dat2.trial{1}(75,:);

% figure;

% plot(x);hold on;plot(y,'r')


% x=dat1.trial{1}(75,:);

% y=dat2.trial{1}(75,:);

% figure;

% plot(x);hold on;plot(y,'r')

%% artifact rejection/trial inspection - throw out electrode jumps etc.

cfg = [];

cfg.viewmode = 'vertical';

cfg.continuous = 'no';


cfg = ft_databrowser(cfg,obs_data_channelrepaired);

%cfg.artfctdef.reject = 'complete';

obs_data_clean1 = ft_rejectartifact (cfg,obs_data_channelrepaired);

%% ICA - Anzahl der Komponenten anpassen!- adapt numcomponent according to
channels interpolated %% 128-number of interp. channels)

cfg = [];

cfg.channel = {'all'};

cfg.numcomponent = 128

comp = ft_componentanalysis(cfg,obs_data_clean1);

save (strcat(sb,'comp_all') , 'comp')


cfg = [];

cfg.viewmode = 'component';

cfg.continuous = 'no';


cfg.layout = 'GSN128.sfp';


%% poweranalysis components

cfg              = [];

cfg.output       = 'pow';

cfg.channel      = 'all';%compute the power spectrum in all ICs

cfg.method       = 'mtmfft';

cfg.taper        = 'hanning';

cfg.foi          = 0:0.2:50;

obs_freq = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, comp);

%And you can plot the spectra:


nsubplots = 16;

nbyn = sqrt(nsubplots);% sqrt(nsubplots) should not contain decimals, type
doc subplot

Nfigs = ceil(size(comp.topo,1)/nsubplots);

tot = Nfigs*nsubplots;

rptvect = 1:size(comp.topo,1);

rptvect = padarray(rptvect, [0 tot-size(comp.topo,1)], 0,'post');

rptvect = reshape(rptvect,nsubplots,Nfigs)';

for r=1:size(rptvect,1);

  figure;set(gcf,'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);%full


  for j=1:size(rptvect,2);




      cfg.channel = rptvect(r,j);

      cfg.ylim =[0 500]

      cfg.xlim =[0 50]





%For the IC topos you'll follow the same logic as above but with:


cfg = [];

cfg.component = [1:20];       % specify the component(s) that should be

cfg.layout    = 'GSN128.sfp';

cfg.comment   = 'no';

ft_topoplotIC(cfg, comp)


cfg = [];

cfg.component = [21:40];       % specify the component(s) that should be

cfg.layout    = 'GSN128.sfp';

cfg.comment   = 'no';

ft_topoplotIC(cfg, comp)


cfg = [];

cfg.component = [41:60];       % specify the component(s) that should be

cfg.layout    = 'GSN128.sfp';

cfg.comment   = 'no';

ft_topoplotIC(cfg, comp)


cfg = [];

cfg.component = [61:80];       % specify the component(s) that should be

cfg.layout    = 'GSN128.sfp';

cfg.comment   = 'no';

ft_topoplotIC(cfg, comp)

%% Seperate observation conditions

name1= strcat(num2str(sb),'_90.xls');

    list1=xlsread (name1)

name2= strcat(num2str(sb),'_180.xls');

    list2=xlsread (name2)


cfg = []

cfg.trials = [list1]

obs90_data = ft_redefinetrial(cfg,obs_data_channelrepaired)

cfg = []

cfg.trials = [list2]

obs180_data = ft_redefinetrial(cfg,obs_data_channelrepaired)


%% Decompose original data according to the components found before

load (strcat(sb,'comp_all'))

cfg = [];

cfg.numcomponent = 128;

cfg.unmixing  = comp.unmixing;

cfg.topolabel = comp.topolabel;

comp_1     = ft_componentanalysis(cfg, obs90_data);

%% Reject component

cfg = [];

    cfg.component = [];

    obs90_data_ica_cleaned = ft_rejectcomponent(cfg, comp_1, obs90_data);

 save (strcat(sb,'obs90_ica_cleaned') , 'obs90_data_ica_cleaned')

%% Artifacts - final detection

cfg.method = 'summary';

cfg.latency=[0 1];

cfg.layout = 'GSN128.sfp';       % this allows for plotting

obs90_data_clean3 = ft_rejectvisual(cfg, obs90_data_ica_cleaned);

cfg = [];

cfg.viewmode = 'vertical';

cfg.latency=[0 1];

cfg.continuous = 'no';


cfg = ft_databrowser(cfg,obs90_data_clean3);

%cfg.artfctdef.reject = 'complete';

obs90_data_clean2 = ft_rejectartifact (cfg,obs90_data_clean3);

% Save clean data

save (strcat(subject,'obs90_clean') , 'obs90_data_clean2')

%% Rereferencing data

cfg = [];

cfg.channel    = 'all';

cfg.preproc.reref         = 'yes';

cfg.preproc.refchannel    = 'all';

obs90_data_ref= ft_preprocessing(cfg,obs90_data_clean2)

save (strcat(subject,'obs90_ref') , 'obs90_data_ref')

%% Snap out smaller pieces (the third second)

cfg = []

cfg.toilim    = [0 1]

obs90_data_small = ft_redefinetrial(cfg,obs90_data_ref)


obs90_data_ERP = ft_timelockanalysis(cfg, obs90_data_small);

save (strcat(subject,'obs90_ERP') , 'obs90_data_ERP')

%% plot it

cfg = [];

cfg.layout = lay ;

cfg.interactive = 'yes';

ft_multiplotER(cfg, obs90_data_ERP)

%% PIPELINE FOR obs180

%% Decompose original data according to the components found before

load (strcat(sb,'comp_all'))

cfg = [];

cfg.numcomponent = 128

cfg.unmixing  = comp.unmixing;

cfg.topolabel = comp.topolabel;

comp_2     = ft_componentanalysis(cfg, obs180_data);

%% Reject component

cfg = [];

    cfg.component = [];

    obs180_data_ica_cleaned = ft_rejectcomponent(cfg, comp_2, obs180_data);

 save (strcat(sb,'obs180_ica_cleaned') , 'obs180_data_ica_cleaned')

%% Artifacts final 180

cfg.method = 'summary';

cfg.latency=[0 1];

cfg.layout = 'GSN128.sfp';       % this allows for plotting

obs180_data_clean3 = ft_rejectvisual(cfg, obs180_data_ica_cleaned);

cfg = [];

cfg.viewmode = 'vertical';

cfg.latency=[0 1];

cfg.continuous = 'no';


cfg = ft_databrowser(cfg,obs180_data_clean3);

%cfg.artfctdef.reject = 'complete';

obs180_data_clean2 = ft_rejectartifact (cfg,obs180_data_clean3);

% Save clean data

save (strcat(subject,'obs180_clean') , 'obs180_data_clean2')

%% Rereferencing data

cfg = [];

cfg.channel    = 'all';

cfg.preproc.reref         = 'yes';

cfg.preproc.refchannel    = 'all';

obs180_data_ref= ft_preprocessing(cfg,obs180_data_clean2)

save (strcat(subject,'obs180_ref') , 'obs180_data_ref')

%% Snap out smaller pieces (the third second)

cfg = []

cfg.toilim    = [0 1]

obs180_data_small = ft_redefinetrial(cfg,obs180_data_ref)


obs180_data_ERP = ft_timelockanalysis(cfg, obs180_data_small);

save (strcat(subject,'obs180_ERP') , 'obs180_data_ERP')

%% plot 180 ERP

cfg = [];

cfg.layout = lay ;

cfg.interactive = 'yes';

ft_multiplotER(cfg, obs180_data_ERP)

%% plot both ERPs

cfg = [];

cfg.layout = lay ;

cfg.interactive = 'yes';

cfg.showlabels = 'yes';

ft_multiplotER(cfg, obs90_data_ERP, obs180_data_ERP)

%% plot difference wave

difference     = obs180_data_ERP;                   % copy one of the

difference.avg = obs180_data_ERP.avg - obs90_data_ERP.avg;   % compute the
difference ERP

cfg = [];

cfg.layout      = lay;

cfg.interactive = 'yes';

ft_multiplotER(cfg, difference)

2014-09-07 7:53 GMT+02:00 Joseph Dien <jdien07 at mac.com>:

> Hi,
>    I’m one of the main Fieldtrip contributors working on supporting EGI
> data.  A couple things.  First of all, exactly which net do you use?  If
> they are 129-channel, there is still the question of whether they are the
> Hydrocel or the older geodesic nets.  Regardless, that shouldn't cause an
> error like this.  Could you send me the file you are trying to process and
> the script you are using and I’ll try troubleshooting it.
> Joe
> On Aug 26, 2014, at 12:53 AM, Ana Laura Diez Martini <
> diezmartini at gmail.com> wrote:
> Which nets do you use? I use EGI. I tried both the ones you mention and
> they didn't work. It was hard to find that exact one online but it was the
> only file that actually worked.
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 7:52 AM, KatrinH Heimann <katrinheimann at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear Ana, dear all,
>> the layout you used does not correspond to our nets. I tried the
>>    GSN-HydroCel-128.sfp  and the GSN-HydroCel-129.sfp. Both don't work.
>> Please can anybody help?
>> Cheers
>> Katrin
>> 2014-08-24 5:40 GMT+02:00 Ana Laura Diez Martini <diezmartini at gmail.com>:
>> Try this one <https://www.dropbox.com/s/58zv658rtdant2c/GSN129.sfp?dl=0>
>>> I use
>>> On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 4:08 AM, KatrinH Heimann <
>>> katrinheimann at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear all, my problems seem neverending. This time however i really need
>>>> help.
>>>> I implemented a pipeline for ERPs. All works now, trialdefinition,
>>>> preprocessing, channelreplacement, ica, componentrejection, final
>>>> artifactdetection, timelock of the single subject data. However, when I
>>>> wanna compute the grandaverage of the single subjects I get the following
>>>> error message:
>>>> computing average of avg over 19 subjects
>>>> Warning: discarding electrode information because it cannot be averaged
>>>> > In ft_timelockgrandaverage at 249
>>>> the call to "ft_timelockgrandaverage" took 0 seconds and required the
>>>> additional allocation of an estimated 3 MB
>>>> computing average of avg over 2 subjects
>>>> Warning: discarding electrode information because it cannot be averaged
>>>> > In ft_timelockgrandaverage at 249
>>>> the call to "ft_timelockgrandaverage" took 0 seconds and required the
>>>> additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
>>>> the call to "ft_prepare_layout" took 0 seconds and required the
>>>> additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
>>>> the call to "ft_topoplotER" took 0 seconds and required the additional
>>>> allocation of an estimated 0 MB
>>>> Furthermore in the plot of the significant clusters, the channelnames
>>>> are mixed up (do not correspond to my net)
>>>> I guess that there is a problem with the layout I use.
>>>> Here the code that I use
>>>> %For generating the layout (also in the single subjects):
>>>> cfg = [];
>>>> cfg.channel  = obs_data.label;
>>>> cfg.layout   = 'GSN-HydroCel-129.sfp';
>>>> cfg.feedback = 'yes';
>>>> lay          = ft_prepare_layout(cfg);
>>>> cfg_neighb          = [];
>>>> cfg_neighb.feedback = 'yes';
>>>> cfg_neighb.method   = 'triangulation';
>>>> cfg_neighb.layout   = lay;
>>>> neighbours          = ft_prepare_neighbours(cfg_neighb, obs_data);
>>>> obs_data.elec = ft_read_sens('GSN-HydroCel-129.sfp');
>>>> %For computing the grand average
>>>> cfg = [];
>>>> cfg.channel   = 'all';
>>>> cfg.latency   = 'all';
>>>> cfg.parameter = 'avg';
>>>> cfg.keepindividual = 'no'
>>>> GA_90         = ft_timelockgrandaverage(cfg,all90{:});
>>>> GA_180        = ft_timelockgrandaverage(cfg,all180{:});
>>>> % "{:}" means to use data from all elements of the variable
>>>> For plotting the significant clusters
>>>> cfg = [];
>>>> cfg.style     = 'blank';
>>>> cfg.layout    = lay;
>>>> cfg.channellabels = 'yes';
>>>> cfg.highlight = 'labels';
>>>> cfg.highlightchannel = find(stat.mask);
>>>> cfg.comment   = 'no';
>>>> figure; ft_topoplotER(cfg, GA_90)
>>>> title('Nonparametric: significant with cluster multiple comparison
>>>> correction')
>>>> Do you have ANY idea to this? I am really completely helpless....
>>>> thanks and best
>>>> Katrin
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> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Joseph Dien, PhD
> Research Associate
> Cognitive Neurology
> The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
> Lab E-mail: jdien1 at jhmi.edu
> Private E-mail: jdien07 at mac.com
> Office Phone: 410-614-3115
> Cell Phone: 202-297-8117
> Fax: 410-955-0188
> http://joedien.com
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