[FieldTrip] Problem with Geodesic 129 layout!!

Joseph Dien jdien07 at mac.com
Sun Sep 7 07:53:57 CEST 2014

   I’m one of the main Fieldtrip contributors working on supporting EGI data.  A couple things.  First of all, exactly which net do you use?  If they are 129-channel, there is still the question of whether they are the Hydrocel or the older geodesic nets.  Regardless, that shouldn't cause an error like this.  Could you send me the file you are trying to process and the script you are using and I’ll try troubleshooting it.


On Aug 26, 2014, at 12:53 AM, Ana Laura Diez Martini <diezmartini at gmail.com> wrote:

> Which nets do you use? I use EGI. I tried both the ones you mention and they didn't work. It was hard to find that exact one online but it was the only file that actually worked.
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 7:52 AM, KatrinH Heimann <katrinheimann at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Ana, dear all, 
> the layout you used does not correspond to our nets. I tried the 
>    GSN-HydroCel-128.sfp  and the GSN-HydroCel-129.sfp. Both don't work. Please can anybody help?
> Cheers
> Katrin
> 2014-08-24 5:40 GMT+02:00 Ana Laura Diez Martini <diezmartini at gmail.com>:
> Try this one I use
> On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 4:08 AM, KatrinH Heimann <katrinheimann at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all, my problems seem neverending. This time however i really need help. 
> I implemented a pipeline for ERPs. All works now, trialdefinition, preprocessing, channelreplacement, ica, componentrejection, final artifactdetection, timelock of the single subject data. However, when I wanna compute the grandaverage of the single subjects I get the following error message:
> computing average of avg over 19 subjects
> Warning: discarding electrode information because it cannot be averaged 
> > In ft_timelockgrandaverage at 249 
> the call to "ft_timelockgrandaverage" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 3 MB
> computing average of avg over 2 subjects
> Warning: discarding electrode information because it cannot be averaged 
> > In ft_timelockgrandaverage at 249 
> the call to "ft_timelockgrandaverage" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
> the call to "ft_prepare_layout" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
> the call to "ft_topoplotER" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
> Furthermore in the plot of the significant clusters, the channelnames are mixed up (do not correspond to my net)
> I guess that there is a problem with the layout I use. 
> Here the code that I use 
> %For generating the layout (also in the single subjects):
> cfg = [];
> cfg.channel  = obs_data.label;
> cfg.layout   = 'GSN-HydroCel-129.sfp';
> cfg.feedback = 'yes';
> lay          = ft_prepare_layout(cfg);
> cfg_neighb          = [];
> cfg_neighb.feedback = 'yes';
> cfg_neighb.method   = 'triangulation';
> cfg_neighb.layout   = lay;
> neighbours          = ft_prepare_neighbours(cfg_neighb, obs_data);
> obs_data.elec = ft_read_sens('GSN-HydroCel-129.sfp');
> %For computing the grand average
> cfg = [];
> cfg.channel   = 'all';
> cfg.latency   = 'all';
> cfg.parameter = 'avg';
> cfg.keepindividual = 'no'
> GA_90         = ft_timelockgrandaverage(cfg,all90{:});  
> GA_180        = ft_timelockgrandaverage(cfg,all180{:});
> % "{:}" means to use data from all elements of the variable
> For plotting the significant clusters
> cfg = [];
> cfg.style     = 'blank';
> cfg.layout    = lay;
> cfg.channellabels = 'yes';
> cfg.highlight = 'labels';
> cfg.highlightchannel = find(stat.mask);
> cfg.comment   = 'no';
> figure; ft_topoplotER(cfg, GA_90)
> title('Nonparametric: significant with cluster multiple comparison correction')
> Do you have ANY idea to this? I am really completely helpless....
> thanks and best
> Katrin
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Joseph Dien, PhD
Research Associate
Cognitive Neurology
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Lab E-mail: jdien1 at jhmi.edu
Private E-mail: jdien07 at mac.com
Office Phone: 410-614-3115
Cell Phone: 202-297-8117
Fax: 410-955-0188

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