[FieldTrip] data.sampleinfo when preprocessing was completed in EEGLAB

Clara A. Scholl cas243 at georgetown.edu
Tue Sep 9 21:25:21 CEST 2014

Dear FieldTrip Community,

I did preprocessing in EEGLAB and imported into FieldTrip using
eeglab2fieldtrip (from EEGLAB version 13.3.2b).  The resulting FieldTrip
data structures do not have the data field "sampleinfo" to specify the
position of each trial relative to the actual recording.  As a result of
this, I get the warning "reconstructing sampleinfo by assuming that the
trials are consecutive segments of a continuous recording" when calling the
functions ft_timelockanalysis and ft_mvaranalysis.

My questions are twofold:

1) when can I ignore this warning?
2) has anyone imported the sampleinfo into FieldTrip from an EEGLAB EEG
structure? Any guidance on the best way to do this?

Thanks immensely for feedback!
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