[FieldTrip] Question co-registration

gamaliel huerta urrea gamaliel.ghu at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 03:16:11 CEST 2014

Greetings to all

I read the tutorial to generate a forward model, however fiedltrip am
beginner and I have some doubts:

1-If I have a patient IMRs but I have not scanned the electrodes, it is
possible to use generic templates as shown in the tutorial

2-If you can use these templates
(FieldTrip/template/electrode/standard_1020.elc.), Can modify decreasing
the number of electrodes that want to use?

3-I would do a head model for children, so the number of electrodes should
be lower.

4-sources can be simulated fieldtrip?

PD: sorry my English am Chilean, and I do not speak much English


*Gamaliel Huerta*
*Ingeniería Civil Biomédica*
*Universidad de Valparaíso*
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