[FieldTrip] possible bug: ft_sensorrealign
Tyler Grummett
tyler.grummett at flinders.edu.au
Sat Jul 5 14:40:00 CEST 2014
Hello fieldtrip,
I just wanted to report a potential bug, I dont know whether it is a bug or if I am using it incorrectly.
On line 323 to 329 of ft_sensorrealign is the following code:
ft_plot_sens(elec, 'r*');
% plot all electrodes after warping
ft_plot_sens(norm, 'm.', 'label', 'label');
% plot the template electrode locations
ft_plot_sens(average, 'b.');
It throws the error:
Error using ft_getopt
the first input should contain key-value pairs
Error in ft_plot_sens (line 47)
style = ft_getopt(varargin, 'style', 'k.');
I think it should be:
?ft_plot_sens(elec, 'style', 'r*');
% plot all electrodes after warping
ft_plot_sens(norm, 'style', 'm.', 'label', 'label');
% plot the template electrode locations
ft_plot_sens(average, 'style', 'b.');
Hopefully this helps,
Kind regards,
Tyler Grummett ( BBSc, BSc(Hons I))
PhD Candidate
Brain Signals Laboratory
Flinders University
Rm 5A301
Ext 66124
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